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A creak at the windowsill had me shooting up in bed. Looking fearfully towards the window, I scrambled back against the headboard at the pair of yellow eyes that shone through the darkness. Someone had left the window open, something that should have never happened in October. I watched frozen in fear as a scraggly paw with deadly sharp claws swung the window further up and the torso of the mangy wolf sprung up through the window. Screams were stuck in my throat and I couldn't make a sound. Those dead eyes never left my own as it slunk closer to the four poster bed. I tried to reach for the end table for the lamp, an alarm clock, or anything I could use as a weapon, but there was nothing there. Pulling the blankets up, the wolf just growled at my pathetic attempt stalking closer to the bed. I tried again to scream as paws and then a drooling snout appeared at the foot of the bed, but no sound came out. Tears were flowing down my face and I was helpless as I watched the bed dip with the weight of the disgusting creature. Its horrid breath washed over me and it stood over me in triumph. Letting out a horrific howl that split my eardrums, it opened its mouth and snapped its jaw shut on my already injured ankle. Pain seared through me, hot as fire and this time I did scream, a blood curdling sound that just made the wolf clamp its jaws harder. White licks of pure agony seared my leg as it shook the injury and I screamed again. This time, it let go and leaning towards my face, its foul breath making me gag, it opened its jaws again. Preparing for the worst, I watched its lips curl as a garbled sound came from it. "Mira," it ghostly voice said in my ear and I screamed again.

"Mira, wake up! It's just a dream." Shaking had me sitting up straight in bed, gasping as I held my chest. The room was bright and I blinked against the painful light swinging around looking for the wolf. Nothing was there and a glance at the window showed the curtain still in place, the window obviously shut. Looking to my left, I found Heath gripping my arm in a vice grip, his breathing hard and his eyes black. He caught my gaze and let me go, sitting on the bed in front of me. Rubbing my arm, I took stock. My heart was pounding so hard it felt like it was breaking out of my chest and phantom pain sent a flame of agony through my leg. Whimpering, I pulled back the blanket to inspect the angry scar. Heath and I both gasped in horror. What had previously just been red puncture marks, was now raised and a dark purple bruise in the shape of a crescent encircled it.

"Heath, what's happening to me?" I cried, tears streaming down my face as another lick of pain shot through the wound. He just pulled me into his arms and rubbed my back letting me cry. "Shh, Mira. It'll be alright. The pain will pass. Just give it a few minutes," his tragic voice reassured me. I clung to him, whimpering when the pain hit. It took about fifteen minutes, but eventually it subsided and when I looked again, the wound was just a scar once more. "How?" I asked stupidly, my brain trying to come up with an explanation. "What just happened?" I questioned Heath who had been strangely quiet. Scooting away from the safety of his arms, I sat looking at him. "You knew that would happen. How? And what the hell was that? Heath," I demanded when he wouldn't look at me.

"Look, Mira, it's a long fucking story. One you're sure as hell not going to believe and I don't feel like telling you tonight. It's three in the morning and we're both tired as fuck. I'll tell you tomorrow alright?" He ran a hand through his hair in exasperation and his eyes were desperate, sad almost. It was an expression I'd never seen and it made my heart both skip a beat and ache at the vulnerability there. Resigned to the fact that I wasn't going to get an answer tonight, and the lack of sleep tugging at my eyes, I patted his hand gently and just nodded. "Okay. You can tell me tomorrow." He smiled in relief and gratitude and went to leave. The thought of being alone had me looking at the curtain and sent my heart racing. "Would you stay?" I squeaked out, wincing at how ridiculous I sounded. Heath literally stopped in his tracks, before slowly turning. "Please," I begged, even throwing up praying hands. "I just don't want to be alone. If I have another nightmare," I shuddered at the thought and looked down. "You won't even have to cuddle with me. You can pretend I'm not here. I just really don't want to be alone."

"Yeah. I'll stay, darlin'," came his gruff reply and I grinned up at him as he came back to the bed. Scooting over, I laid back down, watching as he turned off the light and crawled under the covers. I moved as close as I dared, well aware now of his naked chest. He was on his side facing me and his glittering eyes watched me like a hawk. "Thanks, Heath," I whispered, looking at the sheet I was twisting in my hands. "Anytime, sweetheart," he said like a mantra. With a yawn, I curled up into the pillow. Suddenly a thought occurred to me and I shot my eyes wide open. "You don't snore, do you?" I queried accusingly. "It's a little fucking late for that sweetheart," he said with a deep laugh and I felt my face blush. Burying my head into the pillow, I heard him laugh harder. Huffing, I rolled over and pulled the blanket around me. "Goodnight, Mira," came that deep voice from behind me. "Goodnight, Heath."

The wolf was back and I whimpered in fear. Something warm wrapped itself around me and light crept from behind me like a glowing aura. It grew larger and I burrowed closer as the wolf howled and slunk away. And just like that, it was gone and my dreams were once more filled with light and happiness and a certain scruffy faced man.

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