1 - Life on Mars?

Start from the beginning

Fifteen minutes passed before Nancy broke our silence. "Here you are," she said, as the brakes squeaked in front of my house.

"Aw, just when they play the best song," I whined.

"Yeah, well Bowie or no Bowie, I need to get home."

"Okay, okay," I laughed, putting my hands up in surrender and jumping out in front of the picket fence. "I'll see you later."

"Catch you on the flip side!" she shouted with a wave, taking off before I had stepped away.

As the music faded, I jogged up the porch steps and approached the front door. We lived in a plain white house with a tiny yard, but it was just the right size for our family. I had lived in it as long as I could remember and grew to love it despite all its imperfections.

Just inside the door, I could hear collar tags jingling, as I peered at my key through the darkness. When I unlocked the door, I was greeted by a mass of dog fur. I flipped on the light switch, illuminating the kitchen, and bent on my knees to pet our St. Bernard.

"Alright, Sheba," I said, as she began to topple me over. "Calm down."

I stood up and walked through the kitchen, her toenails clicking on the floor behind me. They stopped when I paused to read a note on the counter. It read-

Leftovers in the fridge. See you in the morning.

- Mom

I cringed at the thought of eating after the evening Nancy and I had spent stuffing ourselves with burgers, fries, and chocolate shakes. I left the note and continued on to my room, dropping my bag on the floor and jumping on the end of my bed to reach for the radio.

Even though I wished my mom didn't have to work so late, I did enjoy one thing: my freedom to play the radio as loudly as I wanted--that is, if the neighbors didn't hear and complain. However, the nights she didn't work, I had to keep the radio so low that I couldn't hear it. What was the point in that?

After tuning to the station that still played the Bowie single, I pulled open my drawer and rummaged through my pajamas. I sang and danced along with the song as I attempted to change, while Sheba curled up on her bed and watched.

And these children that you spit on

As they try to change their worlds

Are immune to your consultations

They're quite aware of what they're going through

Turn and face the strange


Don't tell them to grow up and out of it

I threw my clothes carelessly in a pile and leaned back on my bed, still singing along. However, the upbeat song was soon replaced by a ballad, and I was drifting off to sleep before I even knew it--but it didn't last for long.

My eyes fluttered open, as my ears were awakened by a disturbing noise. I lifted my head off my pillow and realized it was the radio--any sign of music was completely gone and static had taken its place. My lamp was still lit, so I glanced at my clock, which read ten after one. I sat up, groaning from the irritating din.

"What's going on?" I said, glancing at Sheba, who didn't seem to care. "The station should still be playing."

I reached over and attempted to tune it to a different station, but only static was returned. Leaning my ear closer to the speaker, I vaguely heard a song on the other side. But no matter how carefully I turned the dial, it wouldn't come through any clearer.

"What's wrong with you?" I said, staring at my radio. I sighed, as I heard our station wagon pull into the driveway. Abruptly, I switched off the radio. "Forget it. I need to go to bed anyway."

Before my mom realized I was still awake, I crawled back into bed and turned out my light--the obnoxious static still lingering in my head.


2/8/18: In honor and celebration of SpaceX's successful launch of the Falcon Heavy on Tuesday, as well as their paying homage to David Bowie, I present my first chapter of COSMIC.

I'm really excited to share this with you all. How did you like it? Please vote and comment your thoughts!

Fun fact: I based Jamie's St. Bernard on my mom's when she was growing up. It was also named Sheba.

7/13/18 Update: If you read my sneak peek of this chapter, you may have noticed some changes (no pun intended) to the two songs featured. I decided on a couple that fit better in those scenes.

Speaking of, what other Bowie song is referenced? Hint: the answer is in the title and media.

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