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There's no Impossible when we believe..

GOD is everything and Believing & trusting GOD is the real key to real Happiness : )

I Believe :D

Facts about me:

•I Love Reading and I read any kind of Literary Work or Form whether Formal or not & that’s the reason why I have a lot of favorite Writers.

•I’m more on Inspirational and Realistic Ones but I also love Reading other kinds of stories like, Love Stories : )

•I also Love Writing for It is my Way of Expression of everything & for me, it’s the Best Way : )

•I love sharing my own thoughts and experiences through Writing.  I may not be as good as them but I can be better than myself before.

•To be one of the BEST influential Writers is one of my Greatest Dreams in Life.

•BTW, I am still a student and BS Accountancy is my course : )  To be a CPA is not really my ambition before, but I guess, there’s a Big Good reason why I’m there.  I Believe :D

•My Dreams are their Dreams and Their Dreams are my Dreams, too : )

•I love Eating, Day-Dreaming and watching Beautiful & Natural Sceneries.

•I spent most of my Life’s Years in Province & I’m proud of it : )

•I’m a Bicolana :D Hehe :D  

•Natsume is my First Love Anime Character.

•I want to post more stories as well as to gain more Friends here in Wattpad.  Helping others is my Pleasure :D

•I Prefer Realistic Settings & Stories.

•Oh well, if you want to know me more, Just PM me or post in my MB. Hehe :D  Don’t worry, I’m nice. RAWR!! HAHA!

I am a Music Lover, too :))

You can read Hapcher’s Diary for it contains some random thoughts of mine : ) Hihi :D

SMILE : ))


One common but very TRUE principle:

“Never make Promises when you’re Happy & never make decisions when you’re Angry.”

If you're a Watty Addict, try to read this:

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This is Hapcher : )  Shiela is the real name. *U*

•Reading is her escape.

•Writing is her medicine.

•Sharing is her Favorite.

•Hapcher loves reading and writing realistic stories but she reads and writes any form of literature.

•For Her, Literature is the best way of expression and it’s meant to uplift one’s heart.

Her works are the results of Hapcher’s anything.  They are merely forms of expression.

Feel free to read HER Works, especially those inspirational stories. *U* 

Hapcher also LOVES..


•This world and this Life.


•Above all, GOD.

“At first, I was only writing for myself but then, I’ve realized how much it matters to them, too.  So now, I am Happy to write not only for me but also for YOU.”



Hapcher's DiaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora