The Presents Life Gives You

Start from the beginning

"Yes, i love your house. So, we will definitely be needing some help decorating the twins' nurseries."

"Will you be having two separate ones?" Julie asked, looking at the catalogs on the table.

"Yes! It's convenient having some spare bedrooms. We weren't expecting twins, but whenever we do something, it never goes as planned." Erin laughed, thinking back to all the obstacles she and Jay have had to go through.

"Well, you definitely have raised Jax well in the four months you've had him," Julie glanced to the family portrait of the three of them hanging on the wall. "He's seemed a lot happier. Is he excited about the twins?"

Erin smiled softly at the compliment. "Thank you. I feel like we've had him forever. And I think he is. He always asks how they're doing and he always offers to bring me food." She grinned at Jaxton's actions.

Whenever they are all home, he always asks Erin if the twins are good or if she wants him to make her something to eat.

"He's going to make a good brother. Craig and I wish we had another, but now that we'll have two teenagers, we're glad we didn't." Julie looked at their husbands coming back into the room. "And?"

A smile spread across Jay and Craig's face. "We are all meeting with the attorney tomorrow morning. It should all be finalized tomorrow." Julie stood up and hugged her husband, then Jay.

"Thank you, Jay." She thanked him gratefully.

Erin couldn't stop the smile that rolled onto her face. Her husband was amazing.


"Jaxton, let's go!" Jay knocked on the door of his son's bedroom. The family of three were preparing to go out to the city for the day. It was mid fifties, but it felt like a heat wave to them.

"I'm here, don't worry," Jaxton's door swung open and he walked down the stairs, Jay following behind. "Is mom okay to go out? She still in the early stages. I don't want her to get hurt or sick."

Erin laughed hearing the last part of his comment. "Jax, I'm sixteen weeks. I'm okay. They won't get hurt. My morning sickness has gone away, and the doctor said I can go out for another few months before I have to take it down a notch."

Jaxton nodded, content with the answer. "I can't wait to teach them how to play soccer," he rambled as they all got into the SUV. "Or how if we get a little sis then she'll be a chick magnet."

Jay laughed as Erin rolled her eyes. "Two more weeks, then we'll know."

"You're already at the eighteen week mark. That's crazy," Jaxton said, watching the road as they drove into the city, getting onto the busy highway. "So, what exactly are the plans?"

"We never get out. We actually have a weekend off, for now, and I figured we could do some shopping for everyone." Erin replied, scrolling through her phone.

"We can eat somewhere? I was thinking something on Michigan Ave? Down by Bye Bye Chicago and the bean, you know?" Jay replied, halting to oncoming traffic.

"Jay, we are not eating at the cupcake place. We discussed that last night." She argued. "We can eat something that is semi healthy."

"O'Charleys?" Jaxton thought of.

"Sure. We'll find something." Jay merged into downtown. "What do you need? Clothes or anything?"

"Athletic pants and new muscle tees," Jaxton offered, mentally thinking of what he actually needed. "Honestly, I don't need anything, it's just things I'd like to have more of. Mom needs maternity clothes."

"Hey!" Erin shot back. "I am not that big."

"Yet," Jay mumbled. "Er, you're carrying twins. You'll need some."

"Rude." Erin knew in the back of her mind, the boys were right. She would need some.


2 Weeks Later

"Erin?" Dr. Legg smiled as she walked into the small room, nodding to Jay. "How are you? How was the wedding?"

"It was great." Erin replied, running her hand over the bump on her stomach.

"I'm glad. Everything is already converted to your married name, so no worries there," Her eyes raced through her computer. "And you are at eighteen weeks now. Would you like to find out the gender?"

Jay nodded eagerly. "Yes!" He glanced over to his wife, both of their eyes shining.

"Alrighty then, let's do it. You know the drill, Erin, feet in the stirrups." The doctor in training reassuringly smiled.

Erin complied, doing as told. Jay offered his hand, and she took it willingly. She grimaced as the wand begin its purpose, and the screen turned onto the two fetuses.

"It all looks perfect, size and weight." The doctor continued. "Baby A is right here," She pointed to the screen. "Looks like you guys will be having a second son. Congrats." Erin and Jay covered their mouths, a small sob falling from Erin's. Dr. Legg smiled, continuing on with the examination. "And we have a little princess as well."

Erin and Jay's eyes shot up. "A girl and boy?"

"Yes," She smiled, taking sonogram pictures. "They're both perfect. Size and weight. You are on desk duty, right?"

"Don't remind me." Erin sighed, fidgeting with her wedding band.

The doctor smiled and instructed them on what to do, soon sending them on their way. Jay and Erin linked hands, preparing for the cold air to hit their faces as Erin moved closer to Jay's side. The married couple sat in silence on their way to the district, nothing but awe between them.

They didn't think they'd ever be here.

But now, they were.

Happier than ever.

Not my best work, but I wanted to get this up! I'll be back on regular uploading schedules starting in April. Just need a social media detox.

Please review.

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