Whatever You Want, We Will Make It Happen

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Thank you all so much for the reviews!! I hope you all have been enjoying the story so far, and have been enjoying Five- O's appearances!! There is more car drama in this chapter, so please enjoy and let me know how you like it!!

"Do you have an update?" Jay looked over to his girlfriend who had yet not waken up from the sedatives,and that was two hours ago. "When will she wake up? It's been two hours." Erin's small body was covered up by blankets, an IV hooked into her arm, providing much needed fluids to regain strength.

"Mr. Halstead, can we have a word with you in the other room?" One of the nurses asked, gesturing across the hallway.

"No. I'm staying here, with her. I promised her I would't leave her side, and I'm keeping my word." Jay sat down on the chair.

The two nurses looked at each other before Malia walked into the room, Erin's main nurse, and took the clipboard from her attendees. "I'll explain everything to Mr. Halstead, why don't you both go help with Mr. Drew in the next room? Go change his bandages and get him some ice cream." Malia smiled, the two nurses leaving the room.

"What's going on with my..." Jay almost said wife, but the undercover operation was long over. "Partner?" He decided on. Jay glanced over to his partner. She looked so peaceful, and was slowly regaining her color.

"Jay, please have a seat." Malia pointed towards the blue chair Halstead had been anchored to the past three hours. He was either on the chair, watching Erin through heavy eyes, or over caressing her arm on the hospital bed.

The unit agreed to wait until Erin had been awake for a few hours to come in, not knowing what to expect. Jay had been giving them hourly updates. The team's knowledge to Erin's recovery was she had a nervous breakdown, and had been sedated, a rape kit being preformed.

Jay took a seat next to Malia, preparing himself for the worse.  "Explain everything to me."

Malia took a deep breathe, before speaking. "Erin's violent state earlier was caused by a state of shock. It happens to some patients, it depends how much trauma was forced. I haven't seen Erin's state yet, we will do an evaluation when she wakes up, but what she experienced was a type of Victimization. She was shock to see you, and trying to wrap her head around that, and going through as much as she did, when you held her hand, or something like a certain physical touch, could have and most likely triggered a memory from the assault, causing her to go into a state of shock, believing you were her offender." Malia paused, taking a sip of water. It was always hard for her to explain things to patients, especially when dealing with fallen policemen. "Are you okay for me to go on, Jay?" She touched his shoulder, Jay only taking a deep breathe.

Victimization? A state of shock? Trauma? All of these factors building up in Jay's head. How did this happen? Why did this happen? He looked over to Erin, who still laid unconscious. He had to be strong. Not for him, or the unit, but for Erin. When she wakes up, Jay knew this would be a strong recovery for her. Mood swings, a lot of counseling with Dr. Gorelik. He wouldn't give up on her, he would be her backbone. "Yes. Please, go on."

Malia nodded. "Now, we did preform a rape kit. To our surprise, there was not much damage. She does have vaginal bruising, but that seems to be it. No torn tendons, or nerves that we saw. Around her wrists she does have slits from the tight constraints, and her ankles. Upon evaluating her physical injuries, we did remove a vibrator. She will be sore for weeks, but there should be no physical scars. She has a few bruises on her knee, but when she is stable enough, Five- O will ask her how she sustained the bruises."

What? Not much physical damage. Makes no sense. Then what did they do to her for two days? "So, was she raped? This is all confusing." Jay understood nothing.

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