Just Married... Again

Start from the beginning

Several minutes later she prayed behind him, afterwards he looked over his shoulder and motioned for her to join him where he sat. Mayra sat beside him and a strong arm welcomed her warmly to rest against him in silence for a short while. Her wet hair dampened the front of his shirt but he didn’t mind at all, he was just so grateful, having her back was a dream come true, he didn’t know how to thank Allah enough. Haroon spent the next fifteen minutes reciting to his wife from the glorious book of Allah, just as she had requested.


“Shhh! You’re gonna wake them up.” Fatima hissed at Janaan who was still talking loudly as they passed Haroon’s room. “That’s okay, we’re already up.” Haroon announced, startling them both. Both girls spun around to see Haroon standing behind Mayra with his arms hanging over her shoulders, she was holding both of his hands and they were both grinning. Fatima and Janaan couldn’t help but smile back, they looked great together. “W-what are you guys doing up so early?” Fatima asked with a surprised look on her face. “We stayed up after Fajr and decided to go for a short morning walk.” Mayra explained “What are you two doing over here?” Fatima smiled mysteriously “Why don’t you guys follow us and find out.” Mayra looked up at Haroon and he nodded “Okay.” he said taking her hand. “Auntie Ghaada called last night and she asked to talk to you, Mayra.” Fatima informed. “Nah uhn! Well What did you tell her?” “Just that you went outside…and she was like ‘whaaat at this time! well when she comes back, you tell her I SAID stay in the house after dark.” Mayra laughed at Fatima’s imitation which was quite accurate AND SO DID Haroon “You heard that, mama’s orders.” “Mmmhm…” she murmured with a laugh still in her throat. After they had walked for a bit Haroon stopped them “Hey wait, do you guys smell that!” Haroon exclaimed inhaling deeply.” “Smell what?” Fatima asked. “Food!... if you can’t smell that, then you’ve got a nose problem.” Janaan laughed “Or maybe our nostrils just aren’t as big as yours.” Fatima laughed and Mayra hid a smile with her free hand. Haroon smirked at Janaan “I wasn’t talking to you.” Janaan laughed “Doesn’t matter, they were thinking the same thing.” “Ha! Speak for yourself, Janaan, I can smell it too.” Mayra put in sticking her nose up and sighing “Smells like biscuits and eggs.” “It does, doesn’t it.” Haroon agreed. “Sounds like you two are hungry.” Fatima said stepping off of the path into the low green grass. Haroon chuckled “I don’t know about Mayra but I personally could eat a cow.” “Well good then, because…. Tadaa!” exclaimed Fatima with a sweeping hand movement welcoming them to what she called ‘breakfast for two, picnic style. Mayra gasped and Haroon gaped at the scenery, it was beautiful. They had picked the perfect place. A large red and white checkered picnic blanket was spread over the fresh green grass in the center of three big shady trees that stood making a half circle. Balloons tied to the branches swayed in the breeze, the heart shaped ones had Mayra and Haroon written on them. Hanging above everything else was a beautiful sign that said ‘H&M… Just married’ in awesome calligraphy that Mayra recognized as Fatima’s handiwork. “So what do you think?” Janaan asked smiling at their surprised faces. “Y-you guys did all this…. Alllll this?” Mayra asked making a waving arch with her hand to encompass everything before her. They both nodded “We know it’s not much but we wanted to do something for you guys, consider it a wedding gift from us.” Fatima explained. “This is…wow, you guys really didn’t have to do all this…” Haroon started “Yeah, this is way too much.” “Ohhh enough with the mushy stuff guys! pleaaase stop talking and start stuffing your faces before the food gets cold.” Janaan told them with a frown. Mayra laughed but there were tears visible in her eyes and one slipped down her cheek and she quickly brushed it away, she was really touched, she knew that they probably didn’t get any sleep and she knew better than anyone just how important sleep was to the two of them. “I love you guys.” She whispered giving her sisters a double hug. “We love you too Mayra.” They both said in unison. “We are gonna leave you guys to it, let us know if you need anything.” Fatima said heading away. “Uhhh…Corrections…let HER know if you need anything, I will be sleeping and I have no plans of getting up anytime soon.” Janaan said following Fatima. “Oh wait, lemme get a picture of you guys over here.”  Fatima said going back to take a few pictures of them, then she and Janaan returned to the house feeling pleased.


Suemaya’s mother, Eve, smiled to herself, yet another fine young man had come to ask for her daughter’s hand, what did he say his name was? Adeel no Ameer no… Amar! That’s it…. Amar….when he was asked which of the daughters he was referring to and he said Amatullah, she was sure that he had gotten the daughters names mixed up, no one had ever asked for Amatullah before, so of course he wasn’t an exception. She didn’t even bother about Amatullah but was sure to called Suemaya in a couple of times to serve some refreshments. She wasn’t being unfair to Amatullah, it was just that, she didn’t want to see her hurt, she felt like she was protecting her from the cruel world out there, it happened more than once that Amatullah liked a guy but he was too busy dying over her sister to notice. Getting Suemaya out of the way was for the best, it was a miracle that Amatullah hadn’t killed her yet out of envy. Using the fact that Suemaya was the older of the two had so far been a good enough excuse as to why she never presented Amatullah as the eligible young lady that she was. Their father was a busy man, too busy to worry much about such trivial  matters, in his eyes his daughters were equal. 

When Amatullah heard the news, she thought (again? how many suitors have come for her and it just never works out... I really hope this one is the one... then maybe I won't be so invisible.)

Amar was a little confused when he left the house, the girl looked nothing like what his sister described. Either kamal and Fawzia seriously lacked description skills or that wasn't the girl. they said she was short but this girl was tall, they said she was round but this girl was slim, they said she had brown eyes, this girl's were blue... something wasn't adding up.

"Oh my Gawwwwd! Hamoodi please... you're gonna kill us all... Ma can you tell him to get those stinking shoes out of here." Sawda cried while pinching her nose closed. "You mean you don't like the new fragrance for men by Paco Rabanne? hahaha... you lie, when I turn my head you can't get enough of it." said Hamoodi with a grin. "Mommy..." whined Leena. "Mahmoud! how many times do I have to tell you, no toe jam allowed in this house? go wash your feet and get those shoes out of here." commanded Habibah from the kitchen. "I will Ma but can I just finish the movie?" "Go now, Mahmoud, i'm not gonna tell you again." "okay, okay... I'm going." he said rising from the couch like an old man and picking up his shoes. "Assalamu alaikum!" greeted Bilal walking in the front door. "Wa alaikum salam" they all replied. "How are my p-... why does it smell like something died up in here?" he asked fanning in front of his face with his hand. Both of his daughters pointed at the culprit who was still standing there with the murder weapons in hand. "H-heyy...pops! how was work?" Mahmoud said cheerfully trying to change the topic. "BOY IF YOU'RE NOT OUT OF HERE IN FIVE... FOUR... THREE..." before he got to two Mahmoud was nowhere to be seen. The girls burst into fits of laughter and Bilal chuckled and went to change out of his work clothes. Once their laughter had died out Habibah appeared in the doorway "Have either of you spoken to Mayra?" "No but I talked to Fatima... janaan was sleeping, apparently they had a long night." Sawda replied. "yeah she sent me a picture of Mayra and Haroon an hour ago." Leena said grabbing her phone and searching through it while she walked over to her mother.. "See, here it is." she said handing Habibah the phone. "Aww! just married... Mashallah! look at that, aren't they beautiful together?" "Mmmhm!" Leena and sawda agreed in unison. " I want you to do that for me when I get married."  Sawda said. "Haha!! you wish." laughed leena "you gon get some lingerie but that's about it." Sawda made a face at her and she laughed.

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