chapter 4

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Louis' POV

I really want to go to Disney land.  It seems like a magical place and I've told the boys this but they just laugh and say if we have the time.  I know Harry's not gunna wanna go, but too bad for him.  His boo bear wont let any big bad roller coaster hurt him.  Plus I think he'll have fun. I've tried telling him this.

"Come on Hazza! I bet there will be a lot of pretty ladies there huh huh?" I sat down on top of him and begged him.  

"I think that Liam needs a pretty lady more then me." he argued.

I guess he was right.  Ever since Liam and Danielle broke up a couple weeks ago he's been quieter and not as funny and lively.

I couldn't just get up to sit in his lap because we are in a plane but I reached over and ruffled his hair which caused him to look up from his phone.

"Who are yeah texting Liam?" I say in a high pitched voice.

"I'm not texting Louis" he sad in an equally high pitched voice. "just checking twitter saying how excited we are for San Diego-"

"AND DISNEYLAND!!!" I cut him off and shriek which doesn't really make anybody but Liam look at me...everybody is used to my loudness by now.

Liam just laughs and leans back in the seat, "Yes Louis and Disneyland."

then he closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep.

I look for someone else to talk to but Zayn and Liam are both asleep, Harry's texting his mum, and Niall, I don't really know where he is but I bet my carrots he is off getting more food from the back of the plane.  He proves me right by coming in with and armful of food.

"Do you ever stop eating mate?"

"Ne'er!" he shouts through a mouthful of food.  Well I’ve learner that when Niall eats, sometimes its better just to leave him alone.  Well we still have another hour until we land so I just close my eyes and rest and dream of Disneyland and how many carrots are gunna be there.


Margot's POV

"Margot go pack for France please!" my mom yells up the stairs so I can hear in my room.

"Okay Okay I'm packing! " I yell back. I love my mom, don't get me wrong, but sometimes her timing just SUCKS!

She knows how much I've been looking forward to this week course it could be my one chance to meet One Direction, the best band in the history of bands, well except for the Beatles I guess, so now that my mom just decided that we would go to Paris for 2 weeks...I'll be bored out of my mind!

Most people look at me weird or say that I'm ungrateful because I complain about going to Paris, the city everyone wants to go to.  Well I mean I love Paris it’s beautiful, but when you go once, sometimes twice a year it loses its glow.  My dads side of the family is from there so Alexa doesn't go that often, I think she might have been once or twice when we begged our moms, so she doesn't really get why i complain because to her it such a magical city.

But there is no use in arguing, I'm going to Paris and missing One Direction.  So Alexa is going for me! she can never say no to me!  i know she might be a little annoyed and possibly scared and i get it.  That ass whole of a boyfriend Jason hurt her...NO I'm not going to think about him. But i don't get why she is so annoyed.  It’s not like she will have to go on a date with them, and anyway, they seem like nice guys.  I even have special passes that let you go t the halfway point no matter when you get there.  Of course if she gets there later the halfway point will be farther back.  

I finished my packing and decided that if i was going to help Alexa pick out her outfit then I should probably go now...and bring some of my own clothes since we are the same size. I walk out to my car and yell “Mom I'm going to Alexa’s, see you when i get back!” i hear a soft, “okay be back by 9!” I check my watch after I do my seat belt, its only 5:00, that gives me and Alexa 4 hours, plenty of time.

When i get there I don’t even knock on the door, I just walk in and go to alexas room.  Its not a problem, I do it all the time.  I open her door to find her sitting on her bed wearing this,

“why, doesn't someone look smexy?” I say causing her to jump up then look down the tackle me in a hug all in about 5 seconds.

“you got that right. so watcha doin here?” she asks after our hug.

“what I cant come to say hi to my favorite cousin in the whole world who I love so very much!” I kiss up to her hoping that will put her in a good mood for what we are about to do.

“wow I'm flattered” she says batting her eyelashes.

“ha ha well I'm here to do that but allsssooo to..”

“to what”

“pick out your outfit!” I say really fast so she wont get to pissed.

she sighed, “alright I guess you aren't going to stop bugging me until its done.” I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and jumped around her room doing a happy dance.

“yay yay yay!” I keep saying.

“ha ha ok settle down or I wont do this” she jokes.

She never knows why I love picking out her clothes. Sometimes I'll come over early in the morning just to help her choose what she is going to wear for school. but its summer so I don't get to pick out her clothes that much anymore.  So today is special for me.  I love going through her clothes and making outfits. Part of it might be because she has really cute clothes because her mom makes her buy all her own clothes but gives her a clothes allowance of 100 dollars a month so Alexa always has nice clothes.  But I think the main part is that I love clothes and fashion.

I didn't realize I was just standing there until she taps my shoulder, “sorry babe, lets get to work!”


Authors Note!

hey guys! so i have girlfriends for all the guys except niall soo if you want to be his GF just comment saying why you want to, your name, what celebrity you want to look like, and if you want your charachter to have a lot of drama or a little drama!  i will pick the person who fits best  with what i have planned.

p.s. please follow me on twitter @alexasinger1

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2012 ⏰

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