Chapter 3

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Alexa's POV

"okay class lets go through the routine one more time and then we can call it a day." My dance instructor Tara said. I like Tara, she nice, pretty, and a really good dancer. She is also relatively young. I think she might be in her late 20's early 30's so we get to dance to songs that aren't old school but are pretty new. Even though she is a good teacher, sometimes I feel like she works us to hard; usually when class ends I am tired and sore and sweaty. today is no different. when we are finally free, I am sweating like a pig and my muscles are sore and tight.

it was pretty hard to concentrate on anything but getting home to my nice soft bed where I can curl up and listen to my music and just sleep....


my daydreaming was disrupted when Rachael was yelling to get my attention.

"Oh sorry rach I'm just a little tired I guess. What where you saying?"

"oh you know the usual. if you wanna get home you betta get your ass in the car or your walking the 13 miles home." I just laugh and get in the back since Margot is already in front.

Most people think that Rachael is the type of girl to stay quite and not swear to much. and that's partially right. She doesn't really swear that much and when she does its only when she's annoyed or mad. As for the shy thing, well I guess that when you first meet her she might seem quite but once she opens up to you she is actually really fun and nice. people also think shes a nerd but that's not even close. Rachael is really cool just serious about her grades. She is on a scholarship program and needs to keep her grades up to get it.

"So Alexa..."

"So Margot.."

"We need to pick out your outfit and your make up and how to do your hair soon. and soon as in today."

"Wait wait hold on, did I miss something? Did Alexa get a date?" Rachael buts in.

"NO!! I'm just doing a favor for Margot!"

"so did she like set you up with someone?"

"NO! it has nothing to do with dating. not everything is dating Rachael!" I huffed.

"geez what crawled up your butt and died?"

" I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you."

"No prob but in case you guys forgot I still have no idea what's going on!"

I started to explain but Margot beat me to it so I crossed my arms and glared out the window like a little kid.

"okay so you know how I was sooo excited for the 1D concert-"

"wait I thought you couldn't go to the concert" Rachael interrupted.

"she can't"

"Guys stop interrupting let me tell the story!" Margot sighed, " okay so anyway I'm going to Paris the week that One Direction are here which just happpenss to be next week so I have to miss the signings. So before dance I was complaining to Alexa and then I got an idea -"

"A horrible idea " I added.

"SHHH!" I was surprised that it was Rachael who shushed me but I just raised my eyebrows and signaled for Margot to go on.

"my idea was that since all I really wanted was something that they signed and touched so Alexa could easily go for me and give my name and meet them for me! so I told Alexa my plan and she, well lets just say she disagreeded with me."

"I still cant believe I agreed to it."

"I can." Rachael stated.

'So can I! its because you LOOVVVE me!

"Haha whatever wierdos my mom might not let me go."

Rachael stopped the car and I realized that we where already at my house. then she looks at me like I'm the craziest person in the world.

"now you are just making up excuses. maybe you might have fun at the signing!"

"Doubtfully. bye love you guys."

'Love you too" they said at the same time.

I trudged up to my front door after they pulled away. I am walking slowly and I try to tell myself its because I'm sore from dance but I know I'm just stalling. my friends are right, there is no way my mom wouldn't let me go. She believes in getting independence at a young age so she would be all for me doing this. I sighed as I opened the front door.

I heard my mom in the kitchen cooking dinner that smelled amazing. I don't really wonder where my dad is. he is probably just working late again.

I walk into the kitchen and sit down at one of the barstools by the counter. my mom turns around, sees my face and says,

"what's wrong Hun" that's the thing with my mom, shes very perspective. sometimes its good, and sometimes...not so much.

"nothing, why would anything be wrong. I just need to ask you something..." I trail off

" oh honey haven't we had this talk already!"

I feel my cheeks flush as I say " MOM! that's not what I meant! I just needed to ask you if I could go to a band signing next week"

"What band?"

One Direction." I try staring at her praying that she had a sudden change In character and tells me no I'm to young.

but of course that doesn't happen "Sure baby you can go."


now I am definatly going.

Before You- A one direction fanfic ch1Where stories live. Discover now