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I walk into my kitchen and stop myself before taking another step. I say to myself,

"There is something I am craving."

My stomach grumbles, and as if it were a young child, whispers, "mangos"  I agree with my stomach. Mangos could solve all of my life's problems.

I breathlessly whisper,

" My beloved mango, I am coming for you dear!"

I gallop across my kitchen to where the beautiful mango I bought last week was. The mango was perched on the counter like a princess. She was my princess, my mango princess. I lowered myself so I could be level with the mango. I touch the mango with my delicate virgin fingers.

"I knew you were the one when I first laid my eyes on you at the farmer's market,"

I told the plump mango breathlessly. I looked into the soul of the mango.

"I need to tell you something from the bottom of my human heart. You need to pay attention to what I am about to say," I told the mango, my one true love. 

"I am going to put you in my mouth, but I still love you. Don't ever forget about my love for you, even when you are in my digestive system. Our love is everlasting," I spoke to the mango with my soft human voice.

"My love for you is bulletproof, other than when you are in my rectum."

With these parting words, I parted my delicate human lips. I picked up the mango from its throne and lifted her up to my salivating mouth.

"Oh, you are perfectly ripe. I will miss the sight of your round, plump figure. You are so curvy!"

And with those last words, I widened my oral cavity and engulfed the mango with my tongue. 

I moaned breathlessly as the mango slid down my tight esophagus. A sea of emotions overwhelmed me as I lost what was my once dear friend and lover.

It hit me like a tsunami; my body fell back onto the counter. I felt the pain of a lost loved one. The beautiful sight of my precious mango was gone, but I could still feel my princess gliding into my colon; it's death bed. 

To this day, I still think of my baby, it's the first thought when I wake up and the last before I fall to slumber.

"Oh, how I miss you, dear. Your throne could never be filled with a mango as sweet as you." 


I moisturized my slender human fingers. This will be a rough excursion, I tell myself. I wash my hands for the last time, being cautious that my human germs may infect my darling.

"I am coming for you, dear" I moan once again.  

"I would never give in to temptation ever again. You don't deserve to suffocate in my anus."

I felt a rush of warmness throughout my body. 

"Don't worry baby, you'll be out of my anal cavity in just a few seconds."

 I set the lotion on my bedside table and sprawled my body amongst the bed. 

Oh, I love the feeling of you in me,  I said under my breath as my moisturized fingers entered my moist, tight hole.

"I can't wait to taste your sweet juices!" 

I then used my other hand to reach over the bed.

My fingers felt cold metal. I moved my hand along the virgin object, caressing it.

I gasp breathlessly when my skin touches the jagged ridges. 

I  scream in excitement at the vivid memories of my precious mango in my esophagus. I lift the object that is foreign to my butthole.

I plug in the chainsaw.

Without warning, I insert the flesh-ripping object into my asshole. 

"I know you love the pain, baby" I giggle to the mango.

I felt blood stream down my thigh. Oh, how blood makes me so horny! 

I touch the fresh blood with my fingertips. As I inserted the chainsaw further into my rectum, I taste the blood from my thigh.

I began to feel the mango slide down my anal cavity. I was giving birth to my precious baby, again. Besides this was special.

I was giving birth through my ass.

All of a sudden, I felt the mango slide through the rim of my butthole. I pull the mango out all the way. 

The sight of my baby returning from my internal organs made me tingle with joy. 

"Baby!! I missed you!!"

I began to tear up. I lifted the mango up to my eye level, where I could admire my most precious from a better view. 

All of a sudden, my throat tightened up. I could barely breathe. My eyes began to swell, how could I have done this? 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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