Here I am, here I stay-Wes's time in Death City?

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Ok, ok. I know, this story is getting good. Everyone seems to be adapting to their new partners. The question:Will it stay like this forever, or not? Well, keep reading to find out! :)




After the entire week passed by, Tsubaki and I captured the Scarecrow's soul and turned it in to Lord Death.

So did Black Star and Soul, they managed to capture the soul of a weird mixed breed kishin egg.

Even though I am not going to be a great Scythe Meister like my mother, I can still be a great Meister! Tsubaki will be a great Death Scythe! Yeah...she will.

The weekend! Yeah! I rise and shine with Blair sleeping soundly on my lap. I smile and get up to change into some clothes. A pink shirt with black jeans and my black and white boots. As usual, I put my hair into pig tails and head to the kitchen. Hmm, no one?

Oh well, I'll make breakfast for Blair and me.


Damn. I woke up too early to do this on a Saturday! I yawn on hop off my bike, I can't shake off the feeling that Wes is up to something since he came to Death City. I already know what, the Evans sent him to come and get me. He's just putting up a stupid act of innocence! I look at him eating inside El Chupacabra.

Wes grins and digs into his meal. I don't know what it is...but he seems different. He was to addicted to his violin to just leave it behind and come here. So what is it? Suddenly I feel a grip on my shoulder and a yell loud enough to break glass, "Hey, SOUL!!!! What are you doing??!!!!!"

I make a face and turn around to see...please don't be him, please don't be him! Black Star. Shit. I knock him on the ground and we kneel down from being seen. We slip away and hide in an alley. "Black Star, what are you doing here?!" I hiss at him.

He shrugs his shoulders and says, "Well I came to chill out, just like all stars do, then I saw you. So I wanted to see what you were doing." I sigh and peek, making sure no one is pursuing us. "I'm spying on Wes, to make sure he doesn't do anything suspicious."

Black Star gets a confused look and asks, "Visiting you is suspicious? And, is he really your brother? You guys have different color eyes and hair..." I shut him up ad explain, "No, a visit from the Evans is not cool, or normal. Ms.Evans has brown hair and purple eyes."

"Oh, Soul! If your going to sneak around, I'm coming too! Besides, I am a awesome assassin!" Black Star poses pointing his finger into the air like a complete idiot. I watch as Wes leaves the building and heads down another alley. We pace ourselves slowly and catch up to him.

After a few times, he turns around feeling the presense of someone. We dodge every time to hide. Man...this is a pain. Finally we reach a weird place, and he walks inside. Black Star questions, "What's he doing now?" When we wait for him to come out, he comes out with a.....boquet of flowers?!

What the hell? He heads back to El Chupacbra and hands them to a girl. Sitting down with some girls and getting their legs all over him. Blood drops down my nose a little, they are kinda hot. I pinch my nose, Black Star does the same as we both give each other a thumbs up walking away.

Hmm...what is he up to?

Monday: School day


Sitting next to Tsubaki, we take notes during Ms.Marie's class. She discusses much of what love can do to a soul. Seriously, I twitch my eyebrows. What does love have to do with anything? Suddenly a man walks in: Wes. Soul flinches and bends over, pretending to tie his shoe.

All the girls cause a fuss yelling out to him, and making a big commotion. Wes turns in some documents to Ms. Marrie and gives her a complement. Ms. Marrie blushes and he waves at the class saying, "Have a lovely afternoon, everyone."

Huh? That's strange....It might be my imagination but I think Wes's eyes turned a shade of black-then shifted back to their orignal color: purple. I shake my head and Ms.Marrie clears her throat and continues with her strange lesson.

Across from us I peek at Kid, Liz and Patty. I get shocked by Liz's expression, she looks like a love-sick puppy. "Kid?" She asks. Kid turns his attention from his paper to her and says, "Yes?" Liz twirls her hair akwardly and questions, "H-How old do you think this Wes person is?" Kid shrugs his shoulders and looks at Patty, she's....asleep.

Tsubaki leans over and asks, "Umm Maka? Did you get number 5?" I nod my head and show her my paper. "Thanks Maka." She states while returning to work, see? Things are so much more simple with a smart, hardworking girl like Tsubaki.

I look over at Soul and Black Star. Those idiots, arguing and causing a fuss, what are they thinking?

Just as the bell rings, the entire class gets up and exits the class. I head to the back of the school where Blair waits for me. "Hi Maka! How was your day of school?" I hop on and tell her, "Really nice, thanks." Just before we get into the air, on the speakers I hear my papa announce, "Oh my sweet little Maka! Lord Death needs to see you in the Death Room!"

I get disgusted and jump back off. "Blair, c'mon. You can come too." She smiles and I carry her in her cat form on my head. I run swiftly and quietly to the Death Room. Just as I reach the door, I knock and say, "Excuse us."

I walk all the way to the inside. I place Blair down, and she goes back to her normal form. "Hello Lord Death, did you need something?" I ask silently. I look over to see Wes, standing a few feet from Lord Death. He says, "Yeah, yeah. See, Wes here is going to volunteer as an assistant to help us out while Mr. Sid is out. Do you think you can show him around on friday?"

Blair looks over to Wes and starts to seduce him! "Nyan! I remember you! You were that guy at the party here!" She starts to pick up her skirt slowly and he flinches saying, "Umm...excuse me...uhh....what are you doing?"

I get angry and since I can't get her off him, I take out a hard-covered book. I say silently, "Maka...Chop!!!!" She falls off him and goes into cat form clutching her head and whining in pain. "I'm sorry Lord Death about that. Anyways, I'd be honored to show Wes around."

Wes smiles sweetly and we shake hands. this is Wes Evans, that I've heard so much about. He seems so nice, why would I think that his eyes switched colors? Mabey he has a medical condition, how rude of me!

We break our shake and I pick Blair off. "Ok Lord Death, we're heading back now! Goodbye Wes!" I wave at them and shut the door. Lord Death turns to Wes and states, "She's a good student, you can trust Maka."

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