El Manana

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I followed Frank upstairs, curious to see what he wanted. As soon as we got up there, he turned around and kissed me, long and sweet, and then pulled away, leaving me surprised and blushing. He whispered to me: "Do you like Patrick?" I shook my head quickly. Of course I didn't like Patrick! He was cool and all, but I didn't like him that way. Frank hugged me, his ear against my heart. "Are you sure?" He whispered against me. I nodded again, wrapping my arms protectively around him. "I am absolutely positive, Frank." I felt him relax against me. He muttered something against my chest that I didn't catch. I tilted his chin upwards. "What was that, Frankie?" I murmured softly.

"I like you, Gerard. A lot. I have since you got me out of your locker. You are the most amazing guy I've ever had the privilege of drunkenly making out with, and I'd love it if we could go out sometime." The entire time we was talking, Frank refused to meet my gaze, but instead stared at my t-shirt, his cheeks growing redder by the second.

I stood, gaping down at him, and said softly: "I like you, too, Frankie. And I'd love it if we went out sometime. How does Friday night sound?" He grinned. "Sounds awesome, Gee. Now let's go have breakfast."

[This was the shortest part in the entire book, I'm so sorry. But I'm thinking about ending this soon, but I wanted to end this chapter here. So there will probably be a time a few years later and an epilogue, concerning several people c; I promise this won't be the last you hear of me, and I'm sorry to be ending it so abruptly. The epilogue/ending should be up soon. I've never been good at writing long stories anyway c: -xoxoMikey]

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