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             "DARK PIT!" Pauline screamed, hysterical. "DARK PIT! WAKE UP!" The girl in red continued sobbing, and she went over to the bloody angel, wiping his cheek, and hugging his unconscious body. "What have I done?" Pauline whispered, barely audible. 

           "Dark Pit is a flawed clone of Pit," Palutena explained. "However, the clone is very similar to Pit...they can't fly." "WHAT?!?!" All of the girls screamed. "B-but, they were just flying..." Peach trailed off. "Yes, but that is called the Power of Flight. It is magic I bestow upon them, and it allows them to fly on their own for five minutes. Any more than that..." her voice trailed away, as she looked over at Dark Pit.

           "I'll take care of this," Viridi intoned. She snapped her fingers, and two Nutskis came and gently flew away with Dark Pit. "They'll take him directly to the medicle wing. But I'm afraid I have bad news."

            "Pauline, this is your doing. I'm so sorry, but I have no choice but to warp you home." Viridi said. "NO!" Pauline gasped. "No! Please, give me another chance-!" But Viridi couldn't forgive the girl for al,ost killing one of her top commanders. She snapped her fingers, and the only sign that she had ever existed was they pillar of green light and the few autumn leaves that were floating where the red girl used to be.

            "Girls," Viridi started solemly. "It's time. I need my commander." She turnned around with a huge grin on her face. "Let's find out who won, shall we?"

           "Peach. Daisy. Rosalina," Virdi intoned, smiling at each girl in turn. "You have proved yourselves worthy in every way so far. Shall we see who won the most challenges? Shall we see who the winner is?"

             The girls all smiled, held hands, and looked at Viridi expectantlty. "Alright," the blonde goddess breathed. "Let's do this!"

"Peach. You have changed so much from the beginning of this challenge. You were a scared, whiny brat, and you've grow to be a strong, independent woman. Unfortunately, you did not win any challenges. However, I am still so proud of you."

"Rosalina. You were quiet, reserved, and cautious. Now, you have made so many great new friends, and you are so fun and energetic. You won one challenge- the Mario Kart 8 Race. Congratulations!"

"And lastly, Daisy. Daisy, you were fun and cool to begin with. You were a bit arrogant and stubborn, but you have used those qualities to your advantage over the last few challenges. You won two challenges- Peach's Cake Contest, and Wendy's Survival Test."

"So, ladies, I believe we have a clear winner. Congratulations to Nature's Champion, Viridi's Champion..."


AN: FINISHED! *blows confetti* Wow, you guys! It has been a whole YEAR since I started this story! This is my first completed story, and I am going to miss it so much! I am so sorry for the hiatus, but hopefully, this means we can end on a good note! So yes, Daisy won, with Peach in third and Rosalina in second. That you guys so much for sticking with me for all this time- it means so much, and I love each and every one of you! An extra special thank you to Super_Mario_Sister who has been here from the very beginning, and to all of you for reading! I hope you enjoyed, but PLEASE comment below on...

1) Who do you think should have won, and why?

2) Who was your favorite character? Why?

3) Who was your least favorite character? Why?

4) What was your favorite challenge, and why?

Thank you guys so much for helping me grow as an author! This end template is by SaltyNuts, and I give her all credit! Thank you all once again!

Later, angels!


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