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Yes the name is short for something alright but I'm not telling you because I do not want to be called by that name. So even though I'm aromantic  I'm still dating Alex. I honestly thought she would have gotten pissed and hit me or something. But no she stayed I don't mind that she did I enjoy being with her. So no I don't want to end our relationship or anything.

Ahh anywho I'm pissed Aehlauna has done nothing but help people. I get she can be a little annoying and her old jokes are horrible but she means nothing good good. I heard someone said she needs special attention once yes well you were fucking right she needs for her "Friends" to check up on her every once in awhile.

Now Aehlauna gives a shit about your damn feelings but right now I'm so fucking angry I'd kill Robert if I could I totally should honestly.

AEH IS A BROKEN GIRL! WHO MOST LIKELY CANT FUCKING BE FIXED. But that doesn't mean everyone her friends can't help. So far we have Skye she helps betty..

I just don't understand if you don't wanna be her friend then leave her the fuck alone for god sake. She has never had any Intentions on hurting anyone but herself. Okay if you can't be a friend tell her don't have her sitting and waiting for nothing.

This isn't about anyone specific and I'm not saying drop everything and help her. I'm not I'm saying be a friend okay even if she is weird, she's funny , aeh is a good friend and a good person. Just don't lie to her alright.

Even though the truth hurts Aeh really dislikes liars. So please be truthful.

Sorry for all the god damn cussing but yenno what? I don't give a shit right now I'm gonna go take 1 melatonin for Aeh she can't seem to just take 1 damn pill.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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