Chapt 1

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Raven sat alone amongst the trees swaying in the light summer breeze, her sun kissed blonde hair falling down her waist in soft waves her pale icey blues gazeing at the bright coloured fish in the pond in the Royal garden that belongd to king Thranduil of the Woodland Relm.

The faint clang of swords and wizz of arrows in the training arena in the distance brought her back to reality, the reality of being an Orphan and a servant to the King. Composing herself brushing any dirt of her lime coloured servant gown walked back through a sectet entrance that led from the Royal garden to the servent area near the kitchens. Greeted by the scent of honey and wine as the cooks prepared dinner for the king amd his son. Collecting the Tableware she set out with her close friend and fellow servant Dawn to the main hall, "Out in the kings garden again rave? careful one day he might just catch you" Dawn giggles as she gives her Golden haired friend a nudge amd gets a laugh in return.

They finish laying the table when The King and his only son arrive and sit. The food is brought from the kitchen and they bow about to take their leave when the silence is broken by Legolas "Raven could you stay and serve the wine please?" nodding she retrieves the favourite wine and pours. She smiles warmly at legolas who is actualy a good friend along with their best friend Tauriel. Turning to the king taking in his appearance long silky hair glowing blue pools that she almoat got lost in, He was incredibly handsome as he watched her intently pouring his wine avoiding any eye contact. Bowing she returns to the side of the wine cart remaining there until after dinner

Mystery of the Wind and The Woodland (Thranduil LS)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara