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so if y'all didn't know i ride horses (none of you did probz unless you stalk me...don't do that), and on Sunday, I rode for the first time in like a month, and I got paired with a really slow horse that I don't really like. 

I used a lot of my leg muscles that i haven't used like at all (because i'm like a barnacle and don't get like any exercise), and two days later, my legs hurt like HELL

But i still love riding and alsooo something really cute happened

So basically I was visiting a paddock that was right next to the ring i was riding in (a paddock is a  gated pasture where the horses can gossip about one another and fight like high schoolers) 

and Charlie, my favorite horse, starts walking towards me, and i pet him and completely gush over him (i had this horse for camp and me & him developed a really strong bond)

and then my second favorite horse, Bauer, comes over too, and I gush over him too.

it was a good day and I love these two horses with my whole heart <3 but the day after that my legs were in so much pain lol

the sacred book of rantsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora