Chapter Four

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The look on her face was priceless. Take that, Gallagher Girl.

"Nice work, Zach," Joe praised.

I winked at Cameron.

But she had one last trick up her sleeve. "Hi, Blackthorne Boy."

There was silence for a second. Joe blinked. I'm pretty sure my mouth dropped open. How does she know?

"Very good, Ms. Morgan," Joe said. He looked at me and smiled. "But not good enough."

Cameron's face turned red in embarrassment. "Your mission was . . . what? To keep us from achieving our mission?"

I cocked my head and raised an eyebrow. "Something like that." I smirked and half laughed. "I thought I could just make you late for your meeting," I explained. "I didn't think you'd actually tell me where it was and walk me halfway there."

Cameron was fuming.

A group of tourists pressed themselves towards the shoe exhibit. I took that as my exit and dove into the crowd.

I could see from a window's reflection Joe putting his arm around Cameron's shoulders and guiding her to the doors. She looked back, but I was already gone. Just as her talent is blending in, mine is disappearing without a trace.

Until we meet again, Gallagher Girl.

Votes and comments are always greatly appreciated!

So I've gotten a few questions along the line of: Will you ever add to this story? Since I get this a lot and the answer's always the same, I decided to put my answer out here.

I probably won't add to 'Tailing the Chameleon', since that means I would have to rewrite all of CMHS through his eyes, which would probably lead to writing the rest of the series in his POV. That takes a lot of time I could spend on creating more original fanfictions and stories for you guys. Besides, there wouldn't be the surprise of Catherine being his mom, Blackthorne being a school for assassins, and Townsend being his father. Of course, Zach is his own story, but I kinda like him as the mysterious boyfriend. So does that rule out any possibility of me doing something in his POV from the series? No. But am I going to rewrite the series through his eyes? Probably not.

Yours in demigodishness, and all that. Peace out.

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