⇘One Piece characters

585 7 5

Aries - Usopp

Taurus - Monkey D. Luffy

Gemini - Franky

Cancer - Nami

Leo - Brook

Virgo - Eustass Kid

Libra - Hawkeye Minhawk

Scorpio - Roronoa Zoro

Sagittarius - Shanks

Capricorn - Ace

Aquarius - Nico Robin

Pisces - Sanji

which character did you get?

also, hey guys! I haven't updated this in so long. I'm really, truly sorry about that. But I'm going to try and finish this book. I actually have a plan for this book.

I actually plan on ending this book once I reach to 100 or so horoscopes. After that, I'll probably end the book. I just don't want it to sit around without a purpose, if that makes any sense.

Also, holy jesushi, thank you all for 8.65k reads!! I'm beyond shocked right now and I honestly am really surprised.

Anyways, that's going to be all for now. Much love,


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