⇘Another characters

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Aries - Izumi Akazawa
(Death: Skewered against the wall by glass shards.)

Taurus - Tomohiko Kazami
(Death: Hit in the head by an iron rod)

Gemini - Mei Misaki

Cancer - Yuuya Mochizuki

Leo - Kouichi Sakakibara

Virgo - Naoya Teshigawara

Libra - Sanae Miszuno
(Death: Crushed by an elevator)

Scorpio - Takako Sugiura
(Death: Strangled by electrical cables)

Sagittarius - Tatsuji Chibiki
(Librarian at Yomiyama North Middle School. Used to be 9th grade Class 3 home room teacher. Survivor)

Capricorn - Reiko Mikami
(Death: Killed by a pickaxe)

Aquarius - Yukari Sakuragi
(Death: Impaled in neck by am umbrella)

Pisces - Yukiyo Misaki
(Owner of Doll Store and Mei's Aunt. Survivor)

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