⇘anime cliches

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Aries - The super long 5 minute intro

Taurus - The very determined one who must get stronger (*clenches fist*)

Gemini - The random panty shots

Cancer - The nosebleeds every single time

Leo - The transfer student that happens to be a total badass

Virgo - The chosen one who somehow had secret powers all their life but had no idea about it.

Libra - The main character that eats like they have been starving all their life

Scorpio - The tragically sad backstory

Sagittarius - The accidental pervert

Capricorn - Somehow always manages to fall into boobs

Aquarius - The over abusive female character

Pisces - The character with a gigantic pair of boobs that manage to defy gravity and break logic.

who did you get?

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