"You know, you can always go home, Ms. Martin." Teegan cringed; she didn't want to go home and have to be alone.

"I have a better idea." Teegan laughed evilly in her head. Who knew the seemingly nerdy girl could be so devious?

"And what's that?" Teegan noticed the glimmer of amusement in his eyes and she loved it.

"Lets ditch too." Mr. Hayden laughed. Considering her offer. He supposed he could take her to his place, or would that be too soon? It was only about a week in and he barely knew the girl. 'Ah, what the hell.' he thought. He knew he could probably have some sort of entertainment with this girl and he knew his mother would absolutely love her.

'We could go to my place if you'd like." Teegans heart lurched in her chest, his place? Wasn't that a bit too forward? She then realized she didn't really care, the only thing she cared about in that moment was getting to know him.

"Well, we could but.." Then it dawned on Teegan, he could get in trouble for that. Though, she was of age, if the college had anything to do with it, he'd be gone. She didn't want that.

"I don't think it's too good of an idea." Eric realized she was right. Why would someone like her want to be with him anyways? He felt the depression creeping up on him and suddenly, felt like he was going to pass out. Depression just hit him at random moments and he couldn't control it. He couldn't control what he said and he knew that if he didn't get out of there, he would say something to Teegan he would regret.

"Of course." He replied simply, grabbing his coat from the desk. Teegans blue eyes watched as Eric gathered up his things. She understood all to well what the look in his eyes was and decided to just let him go. If it were her, he'd want her to do the same.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Teegan announced.

"Teegan?" Teegan bit down on her bottom lip.


"Tomorrows Saturday." Oh. How could she forget? She looked down at the floor and laughed at her own foolishness.

"Oh, right." Eric just laughed at the woman standing in front of him and turned on his heel. he had a feeling he would be seeing her more than he planned. Pushing that feeling deep down inside of his subconscious mind, Eric walked out of the door without another word.


'C'mon, Lyne. It will be fun." Teegan sat on her bed, legs stretched out in front of her. She wanted to go back to that bar. She knew he would be there. But this time, she wouldn't let her presence be known. She heard a sigh at the other end of the line.

'Alright, alright. I've been wanting to see you." Teegan could feel her face light up. It had been a few weeks since she's seen her friend and actually really missed her. She hoped she'd get out of whatever facade she was in and spend more time with Teegan. No one was promised tomorrow, right?

"Me too." Teegan says softly, getting up from her bed. Time to go closet surfing again.

"I'll see you in ten!" Teegan laughed, hanging up the phone. She picked up a white, party dress from her closet and slipped it on. People that she went to college with wouldn't recognize her. All they knew was the Teegan that covered up and wore glasses. A knock came at her door as she smiled. She made her way down the tiny staircase and opened the door.

"Heeey! Lover!" She laughs and pulls her into a hug. Teegan really loved her, they had been through so much together.

"Hey. Are you ready?" She twirled around and nodded

"Duhh." Teegan smiled, grabbing her purse and then locking the door.

When they arrived at the bar, we had no problem getting in. They didn't even check their ID's. Not that they were underage, but still. Teegan knew that half of the people here were. Almost immediately, she spotted Mr. Hayden sitting at one of the bar stools, sipping on what looked liked Vodka. 'That must be his favorite drink.' She thought, sighing loudly.

Teegan wanted nothing more badly than to go stop him, but she knew she couldn't change his mind. Teegan let her eyes roam over and that's when she noticed a golden band around his finger.

He was married? How could that be? She felt like marching up to him right there and then, but knew she couldn't. If he were married, why would he be here at the bar and not at home with his wife, and if he had kids, his kids? Teegan couldn't help but feel her heart drop into her stomach and a feeling of vomit rose in her. She quickly made her way into the bathroom, throwing up her essence.

"Are you okay? Do we need to leave?" Lyne asked, holding back Teegan's hair.

"N-No, I'm okay. Just a little bit of anxiety that's all."

"Alright, well, lets go party!"

As the night went on, Teegan tried her best to keep her eyes on Mr. Hayden and fighting the urge to confront him.

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