Jinxx X Reader

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I woke up to my alarm like always. I sat up and walked over to a mirror, I saw my messed up (H/L) (H/C) hair. I picked up a brush and started to brush out the knots which took a while but not to long. I then walked over to my dresser looking for some clothes, while I searched I looked up at a old high school picture. It was My best friend and my guy friends with me in the middle, I looked away and took out a (f/c) side sleeve top with some ripped jeans. I got dressed and the put my hair up into a pony tail and made my way downstairs. I had just graduated high school and thank goodness for that. I picked up my car keys and walked out of my parents house and into my car. I turned on my car and drove to my friends house, we were going to a concert tonight and it was a new band, I didn't do research on them but I like their music, I stopped at a light, taking out my phone and turning on a song which was knives and pens. The light turned green as I made my way closer to my friends house. Once I got there I got out of the car and knocked on her door, I heard some feet then the door swung open. "Hey (y/n)" she smiled welcoming me in. I walked in "hey (f/n)" I sat down in a chair. "So I did some research...." she started "and let me guess, you found some cool thing about them" I finished her sentence, she nodded. "Yes but, we know them" she exclaimed making me stare at her. "How do you know that?" I asked crossing my arms. "There names are Andy, Ashley, Jake, Jin- well Jeremy. and Christian who is Cc" I blinked since those were our old guy friends. "Just a coincidence" I told her. "No, I watched interviews, they even said that they had great friends named (y/n) and (f/n)" she jumped up and down. I was stunned just stunned.

"Let's go!!" I screamed making her jump, she laughed and we ran out of the house and into my car. I turned it on and drove out of the driveway with (f/n) playing music. I'm going to see them! Im going to see Jeremy! Hours passed until we got there, I parked and jumped out of the car with my ticket, I ran into the building showing my ticket to the guard person. I pushed my way to the front of the crowds and waited for the show to start. (F/n) finally got next to me right when the show started "hello, how is everyone?" Andy screamed into the mic, we all cheered. I looked around to see Ashley, Jake, Andy, Christian I mean Cc and Jer- Jinxx. "You guys got this!" I yelled over the voices. "This song is called Crown of Thorns" he said making us scream the show then started.

After the show ended I couldn't believe it. I saw them walking off stage so I yelled "You guys still rock!" which made Andy turn his head along with the others. I smiled at them locking eyes with Jinxx until (f/n) pulled me away. "They noticed me" I told her making her laugh "I mean you did scream at the top of your lungs at them" which made me blush. "Let's go home" I said, "why?" she asked. "We don't have VIP" I stated sadly, "when do we do things the easy way" she smiled making me smirk. "So the plan?" I started to think "5...4...3...2...1 times up" (f/n) exclaimed pointing to me. "Ok! so we have two choice we can either had back to the stage and go that way oooorrr we can leave the building and get over the fence to the trailers." I told her without breathing. "Ummm I like plan 2" she laughed I nodded and we left the building. We walked behind the building "give me a hand" I told her she knelt down and boosted me up so I was on top of the fence. I gave her hand up and we jumped down landing on our feet. "We did it!" I said giving her a high five. "Security would be very interested in how you got back here" I heard someone say making me jump "son of a" but stopped once I saw it the them.  "Oh heyy" I chuckled nervously. "So how did you get back here?" Andy asked "we climbed the fence" (f/n) spoke up. "(F/n)!" I exclaimed. She just laughed "well care to explain?" Jake asked. "Ok well you see...we don't have VIP and wanted to see you but we never take any easy ways out like we did in the past so we decided to risk it and jump the fence to see our old friends." I told them very fast. "Old friends?" they asked "yes old friends, you guys" I pointed at them.

"You have the wrong people" Andy told us "no I don't" which made them tilt their heads. I slowly looked through my bag taking out a old picture "that's you guys, right?" I asked them which made Jinxx grab the picture. "Who are you?" he demanded. "I'm  (y/n) (y/l/n) and this is (f/n) (f/l/n)" they froze. "wait what school did you go too?" Andy asked. "We went to (s/n) and we used to get in trouble and sing songs and smoke, well I did" I started to laugh "and once we got fake tattoos and scared the shit out of our parents.....but then you guys left and it became depressing nothing was the same." I sighed. "You guys never said any of that in a interview" (F/n) told them, they nodded. A few minutes passed and in a flash we were engulfed in hugs "you guys! how was school are the teachers still jerks and-" I cut them off "we graduated a few days ago. "You guys are needed in the building" a voice called "ok give us a moment" Andy yelled. "Our bus is that one" he told us "wait there" we nodded, they turned and started to leave as did (f/n) to the bus. I stood there for a second till I saw Jinxx "you should go" I told him "I know, but its good to see you again" he told me giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek then running off. I blushed and ran off to the bus and went inside. I sat down on the couch next to (f/n) "so now wut?" I asked. "Well I was going to sleep on the couch" she told me, I rolled my eyes "fine, but wake me up when they come back" I told her, she nodded and I walked off down the small corridor until I found a bed like section. I got in the bottom bunk that didn't have hello kitty or batman things and slowly dozed off. When I woke up it was to arms wrapping around me and whispering "good night" I smiled to myself knowing who it was. "Night Jeremy..." I whispered "Love you" he told me as I drifted off.

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