Chapter 2

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"Momma! I'm hooome!" I yell, seven years old. "Mom?" I stop. I put my backpack down at the door. I don't take off my shoes thinking if my mom saw I had them on I could blame her for not being there. I go into the kitchen. Nothing. I try to get her to answer again

"Mom?" Silence. I go into the living room. The television is on a cartoon. Mom usually makes toast and turns on the tv when I get home. She forgot the toast. Upstairs. I go into the bathroom, knocking before I enter. No answer. I open the door, and look. Bottles of pills and a glass of alcohol on the counter, the water in the sink running. I turn off the water. She must've been cleaning the cabinet, and dad must've stashed the bottle. I think, knowing my mother doesn't drink. She must be asleep. I go to her room door. Closed. I knock. Nothing. I open the door. And I freeze. I was right she is sleeping. And I have a feeling she won't wake up.  I start to shake.

"Mom?" I walk over to the body hanging from the rope. I can't believe this is my mother. Why? Who did this? I pick up the phone on her desk, still shaking I call 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" A young woman on the other line says.

" mother isn't moving! She is hanging, pale, here... somebody cut her down!" I yell into the phone."

"Okay, where are you at?"

"My house." I say, mortified she is asking me that. I put the phone back down, and look at who used to be my mother.

I wake up, my black comforter at my feet. I'm shaking and sweating. I don't know why I ever try to sleep. I will always have that memory haunt me in the dark, at least once every night each week. Her body hanging there. The last time I ever saw her. During her funeral, I didn't even look at her, afraid I would cry more then I already was.

I look at me alarm clock. 4:30. Well, might as well start getting ready. I grab my towel from my chair and go into the shower in the hall.

Another thing I let Susan do was decorate my bathroom along with my room. It is painted a dark blue with black splat all over the wall. The toilet is in the right, in a mini room, with a door. The shower is black, located in the back. There is a sink on the left across from the toy let room. There is a hook for towels on the wall next to the shower. On the door inside is a white, full-length mirror. Another mirror is above the black, ink colored sink. I close the door, and lock it. I walk to the shower and turn the water on. The only place I can think and be completely alone. I hang my towel on, and get undressed as I wait for the shower to warm up. There is a glass to close the shower. It is a standing shower.

The water warms up in a minute. I turn my Youtube on. The water is warm againt my skin. I'm out in 30 minutes. I wrap the towel securely on my body, and walk towards the door. I stop, my hand on the handle of the door, looking at my reflection in the mirror. I never realized how much I look like my mother.

"I don't wanna!" I scream, only 5. My mother is trying to get me to take a shower

"Do you want candy?" She starts to try to bribe me in her signature sing-song voice. 

"no" I stand, my arms crossed across my chest, not moving

Her eyes light up "I'll make brownies" She coos . I look at her, a smile threatening to appear. I don't want to lose. Not yet. Not when I don't know any hidden fees. 

"Chocolate chips" I say, wondering if she will agree 

"Extra chocolate chips, with frosting" 

"Make them! Make them now" I'm giggling, running to my mother, forgetting about the bath. 

"Ut, ut. First..." She points a beautifully painted a light blue finger. I look where she is pointing. The bathroom. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2018 ⏰

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