New World

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[The End Realm]

The lone enderman sat at the edge of the floating lands of the End Realm, it held a pumpkin head in its arms as it is one of the things it somehow valued in its life, it's long and slender arms could reach it's foot without a need to bend down, it's lifeless looking stare directed at the abyss below the floating lands.

Pitch black and devoid of any signs of life, if anything falls whether an object or a living being falling to this abyss it can never be seen or heard from ever again.

The lone enderman with his pumpkin head turned around and walked aimlessly across the End Realm, sometimes bumping into random other enderman who in return tried to steal its pumpkin head but the lone enderman merely hit them and they move away.


The roar came from the large soaring figure above the long obsidian pillars that littered the barren end stone field, every enderman that heard the roar shrieked in terror before they teleport out of sight.

The lone enderman hid behind the pillar and watch as the large soaring figure past by, the ender dragon is what the overworld dweller called it, while the enderman never called it anything as they'd be swallowed whole if they merely spoke.

For thousands of years, they had endured this way of life, even as far as to never maintain the Realm which was once a Haven and now it's a barren chunk of floating lands that houses the endermans.

The lone enderman watched as a portal suddenly opened in the middle of the field hovering above the ground then a figure emerged from the portal, it was an overworld dweller.

He wore armor that is made from diamond and wields an enchanted sword made from the same material, he ate an enchanted golden apple while looking around.


The ender dragon roared threateningly to the overworld dweller while he himself eyed the ender dragon as it circled around him, he grabbed a bow and arrow and looked at one of the top pillar's End Crystal.

Could this be it? The long-awaited battle that would free the endermen of their long shackle from the Ender Dragon's long tyranny?

The lone Enderman watch as the overworld dweller destroyed each and single one of the End Crystals that constantly healed the Ender dragon.

The dragon was enraged at the overworld dweller and the two battled like there was no tomorrow.

Despite the dragon having more advantages than the overworld dweller, the latter was more on the winning side than the former.

With a jump from the overworld dweller his enchanted sword ready for a strike and the ender dragon sweeping towards him, they met midair.


The ender dragon let out a deafening roar of pain that echoed as that would have reach throughout the entire realm.

Pak! Pak! Pak! Pak!
Pak! Pak! Pak!

The ender dragon suddenly started exploding on different parts of its body disintegrating in flashes of violet.

Suddenly a bright light had emerged from ender dragons fading body that lit up the entire end stone field nearly blinding all enderman as they teleport away.

Except one... the lone enderman whom... is wearing the pumpkin head to shield from the light... but it wasn't enough!

Then the light suddenly turned all of the lone enderman's field of view into nothing but white, and then suddenly it turned dark.

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