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A/N draft only, still editting.

Currently I'm now on my bathrobe sitting on the brown leather couch in the living room with that girl and my step mom. She's sitting across the coffee table and would just blush whenever she would just glimpse at me.

"Lucas I would like to introduce you Senna, your Aunt Abruey's oldest daughter," Marcel, I meant stepmother cited with her hand gesturing from me to her.

I gasped awkwardly at Senna, "Hi." She just continued to avoid eye contact.

"Senna, this is Lucas. Remember him in my stories? My late husband's son?" Have you heard that? She called me as her late husband's son not their son? In every detail that shows how much he detest me.

Senna covered her face with a red throw pillow.

Stepmother rose from the couch. "I guess I would just let you get acquainted. Be nice to each other okay? You'll be spending your christmas vacation together."

See? Evil. Marcel walked her way to the kitchen doing the catwalk on the granite red tiled floor. She's not really that posing, really.

"Hello Senna," I sighed.

She shook her covered face, "Ew, ew, ew."

"Oh come on, it's not disgusting."

Senna putted the pillow away. "Ew, don't just talk about IT."

I scratched my wet hair, "why did you enter the bathroom at the first place? Don't you hear the music playing?'

"Why did you left it open?" She retorted.

"I closed it, I just forgot to lock it but technically it's not open."

She nodded down and whispered lowly, "Ew, so... Ugh. I can't take it out of my head. I can draw that damn thing if I wanted to."

"It's not that disgusting, some girls even find it appealing," I said bragging. Mind my frank nature.

"Yuck, are you hearing yourself? So... Ew."

"I seem to know your favorite word," I mocked blankly.

"Looking at you makes me want to vomit." She glimpse right through my eyes and quickly looked away rolling her eyes.

/I saw something in her eyes, the thought that she just now want to get the topic be elusive with. Well at least she's not masking her mind./

I blew a deep exhale and rose from my seat and started trekking my way to the stairs on route to my room changing my cloth. Passing by the snotty 3 little kids playing air guns.

"Pew pew pew," yelped the kids shooting their gestured hands at me.

I continued walking to my room without refrain, "You could do that all day." I entered my room and slammed the door.

I'm F-U-N and G-R-E-A-T with kids! Note: Pun intended.


I skipped my way out of the condominium as soon as everybody headed to their mass. Well, I'm an atheist and there is nothing they can do about.

I'd really rather to stay in my suburban dorm in my university back miles ago and enjoy the vacation alone rather than living in the city to just cram with the condominium. It's just for the sake of the gifts I'll receive this holiday. Don't judge me.

I placed my phone in my pocket and inserted headphones underneath my grey hoodie. Headphones: great for isolation. I started walking a few blocks in hope I'm reach that arcade I once reached in my sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2014 ⏰

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