Chapter 6: A Deal With a Devil

Start from the beginning

"I'm here to help you Jhin. I've noticed your little problem-" he gestured towards Whisper in its holster," and I think I can offer you some assistance."

"So you captured me?" He said defensively. Viktor let out a chuckle, but Jhin couldn't find the humor. Being in a somewhat relaxed state, he could feel the soreness of bruises creeping on his arms and legs.

"I killed two birds with one stone," he said matter of factly, but didn't care to elaborate. Silence once more.

"... You can help me?" Viktor smiled, or at least seemed to. He stood up from the table, leaving his full teacup to sit cold. Jhin stood up too, draining whatever was left of his, and following Viktor towards a curtain. He pulled on it, revealing multiple machines that were welding and building without any control. They seemed to be working on small canisters, making them fairly quickly and setting them down on a bench. Viktor walked over to the bench, and instantly the machines stopped moving, as if waiting for a command. He picked up one of the red and black glowing canisters and handed it to Jhin.

"It's a dancing grenade," Jhin said, recognizing the design. It was one of his main attacks, other than his regular bullets. As he turned the heavy glass in his hands, he could feel the power coursing through it. It felt good.

"Exactly," Viktor said."A better replica of your poor design." Jhin internally hissed at the stinging asteism.

"They definitely feel powerful," he said, moving the canister in his hands. He could see it now, dancing between enemies and then bursting into a blinding white explosion on the fourth fall.

"This is all fine," Jhin started,"but not what I was looking for."

"I'm aware," Viktor said, walking over to yet another pair machines."You want something to help Whisper, or more specifically, something that will penetrate even the best of armor." Jhin only nodded at his precise accusation, ready to see where he was going with it.

"How would you solve your problem?" Viktor asked curiously, obviously leading to something.

"Well," Jhin said, taking a moment to think."I would create stronger bullets, so I don't have to risk modifying my gun."

"The problem with that, is that modern magical bulletproof gear can take up to 6,000 SW's, so even if you could get a bullet strong enough, it would blow your gun to smithereens." He smiled smugly, happy that he could subtly brag about his knowledge. To Jhin, it seemed less impressive. In fact, he was just dragging out the supposed build up to his reveal.

"Okay," Jhin said, folding his arms."So we would modify my gun?"

"We would modify your gun, with magic," he corrected.

"It already is though," Jhin said quietly, and Viktor only shook his head.

"We would modify it with dark magic; magic that is uncommon to manufacturers that would be strong enough to pierce it. As well as the bullets."

"Alright..."Jhin said, trying to comprehend what he was saying."That would take a lot of energy and money though," Jhin looked around the workshop," and that doesn't seem to be something you have right now."

"We would use a battery, something that could charge regular bullets with a burst of magic and energy." He started rummaging through a shelf, until he found a battery that was glowing purple. It was rather large and bulky.

"You want me to strap that to my gun?" Viktor only laughed deviously.

"That's the best part." He walked over to a workbench towards the corner of the room, one that Jhin did not remember seeing. When they walked over to, Jhin noticed a series of wires and cables, shaped in the structure of the human body.

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