I laid rope and handcuffs beside the chair and a rag in case I would need to gag her. I knew she wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight since we broke 4 of her ribs.

When she gets here I'm going to call one of my gang members who's a doctor to come check her out. I want her to heal as fast as she can so that I can move on and do more to her.

The thoughts of what I'm going to do to her flowed through my head. Oh how I can't wait to get my hands on her again.

I brought one of our spare mattresses in here and laid it on the floor in the corner and I put the chair in the middle of the room.

I also grabbed my rack of stuff I'll need for when I first bring her here. It's something I always do to the girls I bring here and I enjoy doing it because the girls hate it.

I wish I could go after her tonight, but I can't. I will just have to wait until tomorrow night.

"Jason man what are you doing? You skipped breakfast and lunch." I turned around to see Kendrick leaning on the doorway of her cell.

"I was sleeping during breakfast and I just didn't feel like eating lunch." I turned back around and started getting things ready.

"Jason can I ask u something?" I turned around so my full attention was on Kendrick.

"Shoot for it!" Crossed my arms over my chest.

"You seem excited about this girl and you've never been this excited about any other girl."

"Kendrick did you not see the girl I had last time? She sucked and wasn't any fun. I have a feeling the girl I'm going after now will be a ton of fun!" I sent Kendrick a smirk.

"Oh okay. Well you need any help?" He started to walk towards me.

"Yeah I do actually. Go have Henry track the girl and see where she's at so we can get her whereabouts."

"Ight. I'll be right back."

Kendrick left and I looked around the room to see of I had gotten everything set up correctly. Which I did. I smiled to myself and began to walk upstairs.

Kiesten's POV:

Tatiana had everything we needed packed and loaded in my mustang. It killed me to let her drive my baby, but I wasn't in the shape to drive.

"Alright Kiesten I got everything. Your phone, sunglasses, clothes, money. Etc. and I got everything I'll need. I called and reserved us a room at one of the nicer hotels here."

"Okay thanks girl, but how do you expect me to walk around the hotel without people thinking I have something wrong with me?"

"I've got that covered now come on we need to go." Tatiana walked over to me and helped me sit up.

"Are you okay?" I just nodded as she helped me stand to my feet.

I stood up and my eyes widened. "Kiesten what's wrong?!"

I didn't have time to answer. I just spit up blood in response.

I heard Tatiana sigh. "I'll get you in the car in the I'll clean this up. They've done more then just break ribs."

I looked down at the ground and saw the bloody mess I had made and choked out a faint "sorry" to Tia knowing she would be cleaning it up.

"Shh don't worry about it." She helped me downstairs. We had gotten to the bottom of the stairs and I choked up more blood.

A tear ran down my face. "I-I'm sorry T-Tia." She came around in front of me still holding on to me and looked me in the eyes.

"Don't worry about it. I'm surprised you went this far. It's not your fault you're doing this. Trust me Sweety. It's okay." I nodded and she finished walking me to my mustang. My purse was in the passengers seat so I had my phone and whatever else I needed.

"I will go clean up where you spit up blood. Sit right here and don't move."

I glared at her. "Yeah ya know cause I'm going to go for a run and lift some weights. Cause I'm perfectly capable of doing that."

She smiled and rolled her eyes. She walked off to go clean up and I just sat there.

I decided to get my phone out and get on it. Even though Tatiana had hope about me not getting kidnapped, I knew it was going to happen. I knew my parents wouldn't check their phones unless it was work because of their jobs. I know I never see them, but I still love them and will miss them. I decided I would send them both one last text.

"Hey mom, hey dad. I wanted to let you know that I love you guys and will miss you. Please don't forget me. I know you guys are so consumed in your work and you won't see this so I won't get a response back, but even though you don't show it I know you guys love me. I love you so much. Thanks for all you have given me. Your one and only child. ~Kiesten."

I had a tear run down my cheek as I hit the send button and I didn't notice Tia was getting in the car.

"Kiesten dont. Please. I won't let him find you. It won't happen." Tia gave me a look of sorrow.

She then pulled out of the driveway.

I sighed and looked out the window. Watching all the sights I probably won't see for a while.


Here you guys go! I'm sorry I am taking a while to update I have been really busy!! I love you all and your support!! What do you guys think of the story so far? I'm not to impressed.

Anyway 20 votes and 10 comments for chapter 11.

Much Love!!💜💜





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