" I am Jade Diamond, I am 17. This is Onyx Diamond and he is 2." I say looking at Onyx as he squeals and grabs my hair which i have to pry out of his hand.

" Wait, so you were 15 when you had him? How did your father react?" Jasmine asks incredously. Dad chokes on his water while The three older boys look at me in shock, Crystal chokes on her laughter and the two younger boys laugh nervously confused. Jasmine looks confused.

" He is your son?" Sam asks confused.

" No, He is my brother." I state looking at them as if they had just formed into werewolves. I look around and see dad coughing up his water. I roll my eyes and look at Onyx and feed him mashed potatoes and Pea's.

" Oh! I am so sorry. I thought he was yours, you guys do look a lot a like. " Jasmine apologizes while the boys snicker.

It was fairly quiet besides the few side conversations. I eat and finish feeding Onyx before i leave with him. I am sitting in my room playing with Onyx when there is a knock.

" Come in." I shout, the door slowly opens as i grab Onyx and sit him in my lap. I shake Todo a little in front on Onyx causing him to giggle. I look up and see the three older boys watching me.

" How can i not help you?" I ask looking up at them with a eyebrow raised. They roll their eyes and glare at me.

" Our mom told us to tell you we have a few friends coming over. It might get a little loud cause my room is next to yours, that's where we'll be. " Keith says. I nod my head and they leave. I look at the fussy Onyx who starts whimpering when i try to put him down.

It's been a hour now since the guys friends came over and they are very loud. I'm trying to get Onyx to sleep cause i have to pee really bad. Once Onyx is finally actually asleep, i set him down and go bathroom. Once done i wash my hands and leave the bathroom to the kitchen. I get some chips and a soda. Funyons and orange soda is the best. I walked up to my room with my stuff when i hear onyx start crying. I let out a little sigh, my guess is the guys were being to loud again. I walk to my door to see the door open a crack.

I look to see six guys crowding Onyx's tiny crib bed. They stand there staring at him confused as he cries. I set my stuff on my side table by the door. I lean on the door frame and clear my throat.

" Why are you in my room?" I ask raising a eyebrow.

" He started crying, we were watching a movie." Chris says and points at Onyx. I get up and sigh, i walk over to Onyx and pick him up causing him to stop crying and only giving soft whimpers.

" You could have just picked him up. He would have stopped crying. He would also fall asleep pretty fast." I say looking at Onyx who is already falling asleep. I turn around and see the guys looking at Onyx as if he was a alien. I slightly push Onyx closer to them causing them to step back. I give them a devious grin.

" Wanna hold him? He doesn't bite, well, to hard." I say. They look at me with wide eyes and shake their heads. I set Onyx down on the bed and tuck him in. I look and see the boys frozen staring at Onyx.

" Have you ever seen a baby before?" I ask and they nod their head. " What's so scary about this one?" I ask.

" He is kinda scary." one of their friends say. I raise a eyebrow at them, how does he look scary?

" How is he scary? " I ask. My three step-brothers snap out of their trance and roll their eyes at me.

" Never mind, come on guys." Chris says turning around to leave when one of their friends stop him by grabbing his arm.

" You never said your sister was hot." He says looking at Chris with a smirk. " or that she has a baby." Another one added.

" Step," I say at the same time the three do. We glare at each other.

" And he is my brother! why does everyone think he is my son!!" I exclaim.

" You look alot like him, and take care of him like a mom would." One says.

" I am Dustin." The one who called me hot says. The boys look at him with narrowed eyes. Dustin has light brown hair that looks soft, he has very blue eyes. He has a sorta muscular build like he works out but not to much. The boys are taller than him. But he and Chris are the same height.

" I am Austin." The one who thought Onyx was my baby said. I nodded not really caring. He has Blonde hair and green eyes. He has a muscular build like he works out all the time. He is tall just a little shorter that Keith who is the tallest.

I don't remember asking for their names, but oh well.

" I'm Blake" The last one said who was oddly silent. He has black hair and brown eyes. He his build says he works out but not obsessed with working out. He is as tall as Ethan maybe even a half centimeter taller.

" That's cool, I don't care. out of my room." I say giving them a sweet smile. That causes them to glare at me and walk out. I turn to Onyx who is standing up grinning.


I yawn as i walk down the stairs, heading to the kitchen for food. Once in the kitchen i let out a annoyed sigh.

" You guys spent the night?" I ask. They all shoot me a grin. They are obviously happy to annoy me. I roll my eyes and ignore them, pushing past them, i grab a bottle of orange juice from the fridge. I turn around and see the boys have waffle's on their plates. I grab a plain waffle off of Ethan's plate ignoring his objections, i eat it with a grin.

" You surely made yourself at home already." Sam says narrowing his eyes at me. I shrug at him taking a bite of the waffle. I quickly eat the waffle and finish the juice throwing the bottle away.

" I was told to. I will be living here for awhile, so, deal with it." I say with a grin. The FSB (that's what i am calling them, Four step Brothers.) glare at me while their friends look at us amused. Keith opens his mouth to say something but stops when he see's something at the door frame that causes him and the rest of the boys to laugh. I turn around and see onyx running around with his diaper on, and that's all, well besides the pants... That are on his head.

A small giggle escapes my lips but i stop it before more comes out. Don't encourage him.

" Onyx...." I say slowly as he grins at me, I dart forward towards him causing him to squeal and sit on the floor. I pick him up and take the pants off his head. I smell something stinky and realize he needs a diaper change. I scrunch up my nose and set him down. I see the boys blocking their nose when a idea comes to mine.

I lean down and whisper in Onyx's ear. " Go sit on one of their laps and wiggle." I say pointing at them. They give me a confused look, Onyx squeals and runs to Dustin's lap. He climbs on quickly and sit on his lap. Dustin confused wraps his arms around Onyx when onyx starts wiggling. The boys look confused till Blake's eyes widen when he looks at Dustin's pants. Blake chokes on laughter and points at Dustin's pants which have shit on them. Dustin Puts Onyx down who comes running to me and hugs my legs, giggling,

I giggle as Dustin, Chris and Sam gag and the rest laugh.

"Dude, that is so gross, and it smells horrid." Sam exclaims backing away. I chuckle and look at the grinning Onyx. The smell really was bad. I had to hold in my gags.

" Come on Onyx let's go burn that diaper." I gag and turn around to leave when Dustin spoke up.

" You told him to do this!" He exclaims causing me to raise my eyebrows.

I did no such thing- Sarcasms lever: Severe-

" No, I told him to go give his new step-brothers a hug good morning." I said. I love lying, i have a great poker face. What can i say, my face is amazing.

" Really?" The FSB look at me with disgust. " So we were your planned attack." Keith asks, i grin and nod my head. I turn around and walk off with Onyx. This is so fun already.


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