Chapter One | Part One | Exams

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February 5, 2018
Dear Journal, Diary, whatever it's supposed to be called...
Now, before you think I'm some maniac with a diary, that's not exactly the truth. Getting this diary thingy wasn't exactly an option for me. It's a long story, but I'll walk you through it.
          One morning, I woke up, and just stared. At the ceiling, at life, at the future, at history. After doing that for about half hour, my mother came in.. She kept on telling me to get out of bed, but I just wouldn't. What was the point, life was just..unbearable..I don't want to wake up just to experience pain over and over and over and over again. After bribing, persuading, etc., my mom called a therapist over. I was so stupid, why couldn't I just get the f*** out of bed, and woman up... So a few hours later, I'm sitting on this uncomfortable office couch with that blonde therapist. God did she get on my nerves. She literally had the dream life. A stable relationship, one daughter, who wants to be a ballerina just like her mother wanted her to, a mansion, a dog..Lady, you're a therapist. Tell me some dirt about your life so I'm not alone. Thanks. So she hands me this book, with a velvet cover with my name on it. My name? Wait no. She spelled it wrong. Typical. It's not Mai, it's May. How can you possibly get that wrong? That's beyond me... So she looks at me and says,
"May, I'm going to give you this..It's a diary. It's obvious life is hard for you, so you should record it down in this diary. Vent."
"Why would I write it down.."
"So later I can look back at it and see how much my life sucked, and how much I suck?"
"May, take it. Trust me. It'll help."
        That's when I shut my mouth, and took the journal, and stuffed it in my cramped bookbag of drawings. But I knew, for a fact, that it wouldn't help. To be honest. I don't trust a single thing that comes out of that therapist's supposedly clean mouth. Well...Time for class..Oh shit, exams..Didn't study, don't care. 😪 Take that exams.

Oh I'm sorry, did you not like the word "shit"? Well why don't you inspect it and change it to something else on your PC or a different story. c: This story was rated mature anyways so... :P If this seems offensive to you too it's because I literally just woke up with a fever and I think I'm gonna die. Bye. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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