Human friend

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I sit in the top of a tree keeping my eye out for hunters. It's been four years since the pack took me in. They're loyal to me and not to her. I don't know who she is but they call her the queen.

They don't say much else besides that. I scan the forest looking out for a hunter or anything for that matter. I can't remember the last human I laid eyes on.

My pack has promised to stop attacking villages they stay in the forest with me.

Only attack when you have a reason I taught them.

A crow caws and I stare at it. Humm...I get out of the tree and I go back to the cave.

My eyes widen in shock when I see my entire pack has been slaughtered. An Goliath is in front of me and it has a message in a bottle on its neck I take the bottle and read the message.

Grimm will never be your family.
I am all you have. Come to me and I will give you everything you have ever hoped for. Together we will forge a new world. Together we will destroy those who abandoned you the humans - I crumple the paper with my black fire.

"When are you going to get the message?!" I scream to the sky.

I walk over to the alpha Grimm and I remove a smaller spike and I dip it in its blood. I write on the parchment in its blood.

Make me.

Then I kneel down as the Grimm that had been my family for the last four years fade away. I let a cry of sadness.

"No." I say to myself.

"She did this not humans."

"Whoever she is did you a favor kid." I spin around and I watch the mans eyes widen.

My eyes widen as I study him. Well he says. He comes closer and I take a step back. "Ok" he says. I'll stay here.

"Did with those Grimm?" He asks me.

I look away from him. "They accepted me into their pack when the humans kicked me out of theirs.

"You were abandoned" he says. He takes a step towards me and

I let out a soft growl and he puts his hands up. "" He says.

"I was three apparently I was the reason this pack was hanging around the village.
It was somehow my fault. I wanted to get them to destroy it."

The girls eyes glow red and the veins in her face bulge and she seems paler. Then they retract and she goes back to normal.

"But I didn't. I realized that it wouldn't change anything.l"


I look up at him.

"How old are you?"

The girl laughs.

"I don't even know who you are and you're already asking for my age geese buy me a drink first."

The man's face looks shocked and then he laughs with the girl.

"That..he says that was a good one. But really he says seriously who is the she?"

I shake my head.

"I don't speak of her."

I turn to walk away from him and he says "wait!"

"Where are you going?"

"To find a new pack."

"Wait" he says.

I turn to him. "What?"

" can communicate with Grimm can't you?"

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