Chapter Six: Full Moon Rhapsody

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Chapter Six: Full Moon Rhapsody

The setting summer sun cast an eerie, blood-red glow over the city of Houston as Hanako Suguwara stood off on an empty street, glaring at the black-haired, red-eyed demon that was Isaiah Akane. She had come across the man by complete chance, but that didn't matter to her. She was intent on finding him anyway. She would not stand for his torture of this city and its citizens any longer. "Why are you doing this?" Hanako growled. "What is the meaning of all this? What do you think all this death and chaos is going to accomplish? Don't even try to lie to me, Isaiah. Your eyes tell me you are guilty."

The ends of Isaiah's furry trenchcoat fluttered in a phantom breeze. "Oh, I wasn't intending to lie at all, Hana-chan. Let me guess, you're upset at me about your precious friends getting in trouble with Rika Tachibana. I'm regretful over her death myself. Rika was an excellent pawn, it's a shame she had to die so soon, before she could completely fulfill her purpose for me. We should be on the same page here, don't you think? We're both Espers, which means that we're not human, and we will never be accepted by human society. Just look at how your kind is treated not just in America, but around the world. In some countries, Espers are dragged away from their families by the government and executed by firing squads. Doesn't that make you mad?"

Hanako narrowed her blue eyes. She showed off a fierce determination that she never normally displayed. Even as Isaiah threateningly towered over her small form, she refused to back down.

"It does. I don't think Espers deserve to be treated as sub-human monsters. But killing innocent people is no way to go about it! You and your agents have even murdered other Espers! Just what do you think all this madness is going to get you?!"

Isaiah sighed wistfully. "Aww, don't be like that. You act like I'm the Big Bad Wolf or something. But in truth, I'm the one who's fighting for you. Of course, there were some Espers who wouldn't obey, so I had to teach them a lesson. You may not see it now, but trust me, you'll be thanking me in the long run. Just think about it. Why are we Espers here? Why do we exist? We weren't mutants born in some lab, cultivated by humans. We were born naturally, which means we are a new species chosen by the Earth, humans with evolved genes, destined to be the replacement of humanity. Throughout history, human beings have thrived through the supression of other species. They don't want any creature to ever surpass them. That's why they're so interesting, they're so afraid of being replaced, and that's why I love them so much. Human beings have caused the extinction of many species, but now...we Espers will be the ones to cause their extinction."

Hanako backed up, her palms sweating. His venomous words made her shiver. "You're sick. This insane plan of yours will never succeed. I know that one day, humans and Espers can learn to walk together and live in peace." Isaiah sneered. A chuckle rose from deep in his throat, which turned into a wicked cackle. "You really think that? You're just as stupid and pathetic as I thought!

That would be like saying humans and dinosaurs could get along! Some Esper you are! You're a disgrace to our kind! If you're that angry at me, why don't you just use your ability to blow me away?

What is your ability, anyway? Do you even have one?"

Isaiah's taunting pushed Hanako to the breaking point. The purple-haired woman struck out and latched onto Isaiah's wrist. Her eyes glowed as crimson as the sunset. She could see his lifeline, stretching all the way from his birth to his death. This was her ability. The power to 'see' death, more of a curse than a blessing. "I can see it," she said. "I see death in your future, Isaiah Akane. It is coming soon. It will be overwhelming and powerful, and you won't see it coming."

Isaiah jerked away from the clairvoyant woman. A smirk crossed his lips. "Oh, so that's your ability. You can see the deaths of other people. What a useless ability. And you don't even have the courtesy to tell me how I'll die."

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