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the more i fall for you
the more i hate myself
cause the truth is
we can never be together


LILIANA was completely unimpressed with the room she had been given, but what did she really expect. They were running on low budget so I guess this what all that they could afford to give her.

She was pretty sure it was a broom cupboard with a tiny bed squeezed into it and a makeshift fire place for warmth. Oh well, she thought, it's better than the vomit filled streets of Flea Bottom.

Liliana perched on the end of the bed and sighed, what in the hell was she actually doing? She pulled Scorch out of her jacket and let him curl up in her lap.

How was she going to fight? Being able to fight was the key skill for a man on the Nights Watch, and she couldn't fight for shit. She internally groaned as again she realised that she hadn't thought through the plan at all. How was she going to keep convincing the men here that she was one of them; a man. How was she going to do that when privacy was a rare thing to come by in Castle Black.

She almost jumped out of her skin as the door flung open to reveal a small kid, no more then twelve, who was wearing the uniform of a Nights Watch. Was he a man of the Nights Watch? But he was just a kid, she thought.

"Supper is served." He grumbled before slamming the door shut and leaving Liliana back to her deafening silence. Scorch jumped at the sudden noise only to settle back down as soon as he realised there was no danger. She smiled, petting his short grey fur.

She had had enough of her incessant worrying and needed to get out of the quiet. She hopped of the bed and was out of the door and on the way to the dining hall within seconds. Letting Scorch stay behind to sleep on her bed.

Liliana stopped dead in her tracks. She had no bloody clue where she was going, she quickly glanced up and down the stone hallway, looking for any sign or post that would point her in the right direction only to come up short with nothing.

Sighing irritably, she decided to wander until she found anyone.

Ten minutes later Liliana stumbled upon the dining hall, each minute that passed by she just got hungrier and hungrier and hungrier. So by the time she got to the hall, and smelt the smell of hot stew she was prepared to kill a man to get something to eat.

The hall wasn't as big as she would have expected but it was still a reasonable size, it was a plain stone room, filled with long wooden benches that looked worn and gnarled by time.

By then the hall was already full of laughter and half drunk idiots, some men sang and other made large, bold actions as they told some great tale that was probably full of half-truths.

She quickly collected a plate of stew and sat on the end of an empty bench. She slowly pushed the brownish slop around her bowl distastefully, not really sure if you could actually call what ever it was stew.

She shovelled a spoon of the slop into her mouth and almost gagged on it. The texture was rough, there were unidentified lumps in it and the taste was revolting. After a few tries she finally swallowed the gloop and vowed never to eat it again. She would have to find another source of sustenance.

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