Chapter 2

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There are thousands of different carnivorous species a Spirit Animal could be. Some animals have a stronger, more dominant aura than others, like a lion vs a hawk. Birds tend to be at the bottom, wolf-like creatures and large cats tend to be in the middle. Then you have bigger Spirit Animals, like elephants or sharks that will rank higher. Dragons tend to rank highest. The color of a dragon will affect their aura, attitude, and strength of bloodline.

The next morning we loaded up our campsite and began our trek to town. Ida and I looked like a couple of homeless hikers, which honestly wasn't far from the truth. We'd left Ida's pack well over a year ago. At the time, we were two best friends going on an adventure, searching for legends. We had a car, a full load of camping gear, and more clothes than we could fit into our suitcases. Now we each had a bedroll and a backpack.

I hoped against all hope that this would be the end of our journey together. I knew our lifestyle was putting major strain on our friendship.

We didn't talk much on the road. It gave me time to remember the days gone by. We'd been chased by murderous mobs, villagers, and beasts who wanted us dead. We'd traveled around the world, and been to over 80 countries. Through it all, Ida had been my light, my reason to keep going. Without her, I would have given up years ago.

"Do you think it'll work?" Ida finally broke the silence.

I answered truthfully. "Only if you go meet with Maverick first. If I went first, we'd have the whole Were world coming after us." I answered truthfully. "Even so, our chances are slim. He might not have any answers."

"Stop that! He's almost 150, and he's a white dragon. He's got experience."

I laughed. "Sorry."

"Even if you're right, it cant get worse than Shoshone and Manitoba." Ida grinned and started jogging.


I waited outside a diner in town while Ida found Maverick. The deal was that she would speak to him, inform him that she had vital information regarding the Rebel forces, including names and locations. She would then tell him that she was working with a partner (me), who was seeking ancient records. She would tell him that if he was willing to share the information about these records and legends with herself and her partner, she would give him the information he wanted about the rebels. She would arrange a meeting at this diner between ourselves and Maverick.

I hoped that she would succeed at convincing him not to bring any weapons. I didn't mind him bringing guards, but i wanted everyone unarmed.

I shivered. There was a crisp breeze on the air, and it was evident that winter was on its way. The leaves on the trees were falling off in cascades of red and gold. My senses seemed to heighten and suddenly i was aware of a squirrel in the tree above me. Biaviarra woke inside of me, humming with bloodlust on his mind. I closed my eyes and tried to keep thinking about the plan.

"What happens if he brings his bodyguards?" I said aloud. "Chances are, the bodyguards wont let him out of their sight. They will refuse to leave behind their firearms, if nothing else."

I could still sense the tiny squirrel above me. I was hyper aware of the rapid thrum of its heartbeat.

I continued to think aloud, trying to distract my senses. "They will recognise my aura immediately if i let go now. Its not going to hurt me, but they can easily capture Ida."

Biaviarra roared inside my mind. It gave me goosebumps and left my ears ringing, despite the fact that it was all in my mind. I pushed the thoughts away. I wasn't hungry, Ida and i had a hearty breakfast made of creamed wheat. I tried to steer clear of meats when occasion permitted. Meat tended to make Biaviarra push harder to escape the prison i had built within my mind.

I forgot what i had been thinking about. Biaviarra screamed in anger and pounded his chains. The noise escalated into chaos, and i felt a migrane coming on. Hssh, Biaviarra. If we spoil this, Ida will die. But my stubborn Spirit Animal either didn't care or didn't understand. He screeched again, and i felt waves of anger and resentment wash through my body. His mind broke through, enveloping me with images of death and blood. I felt powerless, and couldn't shake it off. Suddenly i wasn't on the ground anymore, and i was soaring through the skies, a fresh victim squirming between my jaws.

Then I heard Ida's voice speaking, and i my mind grasped hold of the sound, pulling myself back into reality.

All around me, the grass was singed and i smelled smoke. I realized with a start that things were definitely not going according to plan. I was supposed to be inside at a booth, face covered, the perfect image of a strong diplomatic enigma. Certainly not sitting outside under a tree, steaming with untapped power.

Ida came over to where i was, and a white haired man followed in silence. Both stared at me, and i did my best to appear calm and collected. Biaviarra was still writhing inside me, but my steely resolve kept the insanity of his soul separate from mine.

Ida sat down on the grass. "Maverick, i am pleased to introduce my partner, who would like to remain anonymous."

"No point in that, since her face is visible." He remarked coolly.

He was right. Were-kind had an affinity for faces and scents. With either one, we could always recognise a person immediately.

He plucked a strand of grass between his fingers. "It's quite obvious that your freind here is a dragon-were. But her aura is very distinct. Its been years since I've met a dragon with such a pull."

He paused, waiting for a response.  I hesitated, unsure where to begin. All the planning that Ira and I had done about what to say seemed to disappear.

"There's no need to be wary. I know you're Mickayla Anne Boudilynn Rominico, first born child of Darthoun Rominico The Great, sole heir to the throne of Drexelgon. The only question is how you managed to wind up here, covered in soot and sitting in a pile of ashes in front of Denny's."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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