03: The world Mr. Liao believed

Start from the beginning

"Why wouldn't he let you? If you could just ask him about it honestly, I knew he will let you."


Hiro got off from the car, dragging with him his bagpack hanging loosely on the right side of his shoulder. When he reached the porch of the mansion, Darius smiled at him and bowed down making him startled for no reason. Darius noticed this reaction but chose not to say anything.

"Welcome home young master." Darius greeted with a monotone voice.

"Ah yeah..." Hiro awkwardly croaked out.

Hiro quickly walked upstairs into his room before Darius could strike up a conversation. He didn't know why he felt annoyed and scared when it comes to Darius. Wish I could strangle him to death!


At night, Hiro ate alone as usual in the large dining hall while Darius stood at the back, awaiting for any orders. After that, he quickly went upstairs to his room and locked it. Hiro saw his laptop on the bedside drawer and turned it on then browse his account on facebook. His message icon turned red and he clicked on it. It was a message from Maycee.

Maycee Chang
Active 5 minutes ago

"Just bring clothes with you guys. We'll stay in our family villa!"

Hiro was beaming as he looked at his screen but it quickly faltered as if realizing something.  How I wish Darius would just let me go to this one with no men in black following and eyeing my every move.

Hiro heaved a tired sigh and turned his laptop off and set it aside. He lay down on his bed, clutching his thick blanket over his body. The cold air from the aircondition of his room permitted the air, creating a sleepy spell to emerge. In a split second, he was out in the darkness.



Warm hands caressed my flesh as if igniting a burning passion that I couldn't ignore. Those hot breath that would whisper into my ears as this person talks. It was seducing me, calling me to surrender and just enjoy the feeling.

"My love, you are the most beautiful thing that I laid my eyes on."

He kept on whispering through my ear. His voice was husky and low. The caresses that he do on my body had set my body ablaze. I could feel his fingertips travelling from all parts of my body.

"I love you..."

Then everything became dark. I opened my eyes again and I was met with tons of people. Faces that I haven't recognized. This old man was speaking, yet no sounds would emit from his mouth. I turned around and saw Darius standing by my side. He looked different and dressed weirdly, I don't know why...

Darius looked at me then smiled. I looked away from him and started to walk into the direction of a cliff. When I looked down, it was already the view of the sea spread out into the horizon. And the sound of bells permitted into the air again.


Colors of black and white covered the spacious ground of the school as music boomed at the speakers. The sun was already high up in the air but trees kept them protected from the heat. The students followed the lead dancer on top of the podium with vigor. It was their P.E class.

Hiro stood on the center of ground, exercising diligently while a number of eyes looked at him in admiration. Sweats were already rolling down his face but this person still exudes charm and just shows how handsome/beautiful he is.

On the other crowd, the duo of James and Chester had also caught the eyes of the onlookers. James' tan skin glistened with sweat which made him looked more manly. His red hair was like fire blazing atop his head. Chester whose height stood just at James shoulder looked too cute beyond words. His black hair was swept backwards with a blue hairband, exposing his smooth and pale face. His skin seemed to glow with the help of the sweat.

On the back crowd, stood Maycee. His face was serious that students avoided him during PE. For Maycee, he loved to dance and sing, so he really do takes this class seriously that all of his emotions would hide away. When the class was done, everyone of them crowded the changing room.

"Aww man... I think I just hurt my back from stretching too much!" Chester whined while rubbing his back.

"How come? The only thing we did was to dance! We didn't do any sit ups right?" Maycee asked while wiping the sweats off from his face. 'Since PE was done, his emotions would make a comeback.'

Chester shrugged and continued rubbing his back in a slow manner. The bell for second period had begun ringing which made the lockers explode into rage. Who would loved to go to class when you're tired? Definitely not all of us.

The students started to scramble around as they fasten their pace to fixed themselves while Chester just leisurely sat down on the bench looking at the ceiling. Hiro walked over while wringing a towel on his hand and without a warning, slapped Chester on the back of his head with a towel.


"Didn't you hear the bell? Get your ass up!" Hiro yelled which made Chester clutched his ear.

"Too loud! Too loud!"

"Heeey! Gotta go we still have class!" Maycee yelled from the door while dragging James who was still tying his shoelaces.

Hiro went to his own direction while the other three headed to their own classes. None of them were in his class for this subject so he had to head there alone. Hiro opened the door to the room and found his fellow students slumped down on their desk. He could even see spirits floating from above their body.

'Eeeehhh... the atmosphere seemed dispirited.'

Just as he managed to sat down on his chair, Mr. Liao entered the room for their history class. His eyes met with Hiro which made Hiro nod as a greeting. Mr. Liao stood in front of the class and opened a book then started discussing about how the world was created, the theories that explains the creation and etc.

Hiro was about to fall asleep when a couple of words passed through his ears like a whisper. The voice was urging him to listen so he quickly looked ahead.

"Do you believe that there exist another world besides ours?" Mr. Liao asked.

Hiro's eyes slowly widened as he looked ahead dumbfounded. Every word that consists that sentence left a deep impression on him but he didn't knew why. His heart was beating fast as his eyes focused on Mr. Liao's mouth speaking.

"Sir! How about you? Do you believe that there exist another world besides ours?"

That loud voice coming from his classmate sitting behind him took Hiro from his dumbfounded state. He blinked for awhile before leaning back on his chair, crossing his arms over his chest and stared at Mr. Liao.

Mr. Liao gave a smile. He seldom gives a smile to his students so this small gesture made the students widened their eyes in disbelief. Our usually stoned face history teacher actually knows how to smile! Can we consider this as a miracle?!

This teacher looked out the window for a longest of time before his eyes landed on Hiro. Hiro was spinning his pen between his fingers when Mr. Liao looked at him which made him dropped his pen to the ground.

"Yes, I believe there is another world besides ours. And its more beautiful than this."

The Galaxies Between Us: Hiro To Zen (BoyXboy)Where stories live. Discover now