f o u r t y s i x • Christmas Coming

Start from the beginning

Draco scowled, quickly grabbing Pansy before he was snatched by another Slytherin girl.

"Well, Hello Blaise." You laughed as he kept smirking at Draco. Theo was still dancing with the Professor, theatrically trying to up the ante.

Fortunately, the Slytherin house was mostly made up of purebloods. Few halfbloods and muggleborns were found in the house. Meaning, most of the house already knew how to formally dance.

You heard a few 'ow's every now and then as people's feet got stepped on.

"So who are you gonna ask?" You asked Blaise, still in the middle of the dance as he lifted you.

"I'm not sure," Blaise responded. "None of the options are quite appealing." You rolled your eyes.

"You can always go with Draco!" You smiled sweetly.

Blaise smirked before thinking of a comeback. "Who knows, maybe Draco will find himself a nice date."

Your lips mirrored a frown for a millisecond before turning into a grin. Blaise, however, was very perceptive. He caught the frown and smiled to himself.

Draco and Pansy were dancing a few feet away. "You wanna ask her, don't you?" She teased.

Draco faced her, tearing his eyes away from you dancing with Blaise. "I have no clue what you're talking about."

Pansy raised an eyebrow at his state of denial. "Better hurry it up, (Y/n) is a very pretty girl. Many of these boys will ask her." She singsonged.

Draco clenched his jaw at the mere thought.

"They've begun decorating," You were walking through the halls with Blaise, Draco, and Theo at your side. You ran your hand along the tinsel on the walls. "Isn't it beautiful?"

It was finally free period for the fourth year students of Hogwarts. Many took the time to do homework, catch up with friends, however your group decided to roam the castle. Since it was nearly freezing cold outside, the courtyard was completely empty.

"It is coming up to the holidays, isn't it?" Theo sighed, running a hand through his hair.

Suddenly, someone came up to their group. A tall boy with white hair. You assumed he must be part Veela, the Beauxbaton uniform and all.

You were slightly taken aback when he kneeled down in front of you, he pulled a tulip out of his coat.

You looked to your friends, as if confirming that this was actually happening.

"Miss Avendale, ze tulip, reprezenting my declaration of love."

Your eyes widened, you cleared your throat uncomfortably. "Umm well, I don't even know your name..."

He stood, bowing. "My apologies, I am Leverett. I wish to take you to the Yule Ball."

Theo nudged Draco slightly. The blonde was in fact, frozen in place.

Shit, shit, shit

And for the first time, something else went through Draco's mind.

Pansy was right, Pansy was right.

"Well Leverett," you began, he gave a dazzling smile. "I'm afraid I'll have to politely decline." You gave him a sympathetic look.

He frowned, seeming as if the tulip's flower turned down as well.

"But don't feel bad! I'm sure another girl would love to go with you." You offered, giving a smile. You weren't lying. Literally half of the female population at Hogwarts, thirsted for the Beauxbaton boys.

snakes are two sided // draco malfoy UNDERGO MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now