Chapter Twenty Two

Start from the beginning

"Were you two together?" I asked, my voice still holding more jealousy than curiosity. All I seemed to be doing was providing further entertainment for Kendall.

"Jealousy is an unfitting trait; however, it suits you well. Yes, we were, but only once. She has been with Lex ever since," Kendall finally answered, laughing when I bared my teeth at his comment.

I opened my mouth to reply with some witty comment, but there was a sudden knock at the door. Kendall frowned at the sound, his body starting to recoil itself.

I went over to the door, hoping to dismiss whoever it was quickly. I had just gotten Kendall to relax, and they were going to ruin all of that work. But when I opened it, I found myself tensing.

"Hello," Mr. Gordon started, looking slightly startled to see me instead of his son. He frowned in disapproval when I didn't reply but only stared. However, he cleared his throat and continued.

"I would like to apologize on behalf of my wife. She has a tendency to say more than she should," he said, but I wasn't going to accept it. The only apology I would be accepting was the one that came from her mouth, and that would be after serious consideration.

"What do you want?" I asked bluntly, not bothering to beat around the bush.

Frustration flashed through his eyes before he said, "You should consider adjusting your attitude when around a King ."

Kendall was by me in an instant, gently pushing me behind him. "You should consider your words before making threats towards what is mine. You may be King, but I have a world of influence," he said, his own threat poorly veiled.

Instead of defending himself, Mr. Gordon did something else. "I mean no harm; I did not intentionally threaten the girl. I only came in hopes that we could talk," he said, his eyes holding sincerity. He had changed from an imposing man to a humble one within seconds.

"Leave her be and I will talk to you," Kendall said firmly, surprising me. I didn't expect him to argue because I knew it was one of the last things he wanted to do.

His father nodded before saying, "Agreed. Now come, we have much to discuss." With that, Kendall was gone, giving me one last look before following his father to wherever they were going.

I decided now was the time to take a shower and distract myself from thoughts of Kendall and the day's events. But as I went through my bag, I slowly realized I'd forgotten to pack a shirt for the night. There was absolutely no way in hell I would be sharing a room with Kendall while being shirtless.

"Damn it," I growled, scanning the room. If I didn't find a shirt, Kendall would have his way and I would end up on the floor as a wolf.

I scanned the room in desperation, my eyes landing on the wooden dresser. Kendall's parents had probably kept some of his old clothes tucked in there, right? I opened the drawers and was greeted with the sight of neatly folded and organized shirts. I swiped one from the top, closed the drawer, and headed for the bathroom.

The shower relaxed and distracted me as I had wanted it to do. It cleared my mind to the point I almost forgot where I was. For a second, I could imagine being home, eating at the dinner table with my parents. All that succeeded in doing was sending a wave of longing thrumming through my body.

I would have given anything to be able to go back to my home, the one that consisted of a mother who wouldn't try to kill me and a dad who was still alive. The fact that it had all changed with my absence was something I would never forgive myself for.

It was odd because I could feel hatred for myself but none for Kendall, who had taken me from my family. Ultimately, was it my fault that it had all changed or my "captor's"? I chose not to dwell on it because Kendall had come back from his talk and was now in the other room.

Deciding it was time to step out since the water was getting cold, I turned the shower off and went out. Kendall decided this was the perfect time to make conversation.

"Why do you not take a shower when morning hits?" Kendall asked, his voice slightly muffled because of the door dividing us.

"Because it was the way I grew up taking one. It doesn't matter one way or the other. You're clean either way," I replied, putting on my clothes. I grabbed the toothbrush I had unpacked before dinner, spread toothpaste on it, and began brushing my teeth.

"But a shower taken as you wake rejuvenates you," Kendall said, and I could almost see the frown on his face as he tried to figure out why my hygienic schedule didn't match his own.

I sighed once I finished brushing my teeth and called out, "Kendall, it doesn't matter unless you plan to share a shower when you can't even share a-"

My sentence was cut short as I opened the bathroom door. There stood Kendall, his back towards me and he was very, very shirtless. I couldn't help but stare until he turned slightly, his eyes catching mine.

Kendall grinned at me instead of getting embarrassed and said, "See something you like, Snowflake?"

I blushed, but luckily, he didn't catch it because he had grabbed his shirt and turned back around. Ever since Kendall had vaguely set the borders for a relationship if it ever came to that, he'd become much bolder. I couldn't decide whether I liked it or not. I found myself unable to stop staring, but more so at the tattoo that took over his back.

It was a breed of large cat that seemed to flex as the muscles in Kendall's back did. It was poised patiently on a branch, its tail swinging so lowly that it curled itself around Kendall's waist. It was beautiful and not the type of tattoo I expected to see on him. I actually didn't expect any tattoo on Kendall.

"Why a cat?" I asked as Kendall put his shirt on and the cat disappeared. He went to the bed and I sat on it beside him, awaiting his story.

Kendall placed his head on the headboard, staring up at the ceiling. "There is a silly tale about the Gordon family. The rumor is that we are descendants of felines. Somewhere in the lineage, we grew into humans to survive in this modern world. It is where our wit and silent attacks come from if you are the sort to believe."

I smiled, bumping my shoulder into his. "You're looking at a girl who's half wolf," I said, getting the roll of eyes from him.

"It looks as if we will be sharing the bed as long as you remain on your side," Kendall said, proceeding to lay down.

I lay beside him, turned towards him. We stared at one another before a brief smile flashed on Kendall's face, and he turned away from me. I frowned but said nothing.

"Goodnight, Kendall," I said so softly that I didn't expect him to reply. But a little later, just as I was drifting to sleep, he replied.

"Sweet dreams, my Snowflake."

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