chapter three: jealousy can be of short size

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Mallyumpkin watched in horror as Alice kissed the man she loved. A tear ran down her face.

The doormouse went up too the two as they were looking into each others,  blushing. Mally was disgusted. She felt hate bottled inside of her about to explode.

"FINE! I SEE HOW IT IS! COME BACK JUST TO BE WITH HIM! YOU CAN'T HAVE THIS FOREVER! ILL BE BACK FOR REVENGE!" She screamed at them crying so hard she thought she'd die.

"Mally! Wai-!" But it was too late. She was already gone.

                              (Tarrent's home)

"Terrent,  we have to go after her! We can't just let her leave!"alice said angered she was pacing around the  room that was cluttered with fabric, failed attempts, or dresses.

"If there is one thing I know about Mally, she needs time alone," He continued, "going after her will be the worst thing you could do, mally is small. She has less of a chance getting caught or hurt." He smiled sadly" I feel terrible.. about earlier.... I didn't think it would cause so much pain between friends," he looked down his hat covering his face.

"Dont be.. its okay," alice started,  "if it helps... we can pretend it never happened" alice said sadly almost crying.

"Alice," Tarrant said, "I ment it." He pulled her into an embrace warm and cozy. He kissed her,   as soon as the kiss grew passionate they stoped and look at each other.

Alice decided that it was time to go to bed. After all it was getting late.
She yawned and said "Hatter? May I stay with you tonight. sleep.." she said realizing the first part could be taken wrong.

"Of course!" He said with his gap toothed grin. " I couldn't be happier!"

They went and got changed. Alice in the bathroom and hatter in his room.

They both met in hatter's room.
He gestured to the bed, "after you," Alice climbed into the bed. The hatter layed behind her and snuggled into her back.

"I love you"
"I love you too,"they said drifting to sleep.

The Hatter's Love (Alice x Mad Hatter)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum