Old lovers Meet Again

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"Father, dear, come over here
And look at what they gave to me
Wind it up and then you'll see
Look, it plays a melody"

"It's From Hammerstein
He wants to meet me in the hotel bar
To discuss more about this deal."

"Ok darling."
Gleb kisses Christine then heads to the bar.

"Father never plays with me
Doesn't he love me?"

"Oh, Darling
Love's a curious thing
It often comes disguised
Look at love the wrong way
It goes unrecognized
So look with your heart
And not with your eyes
The heart understands
The heart doesn't lie
Believe what it feels
And trust what it shows
Look with your heart
The heart always knows
Love's not always beautiful
Not at the start
But open your arms
And close your eyes tight
Look with your heart
And when it finds love
Your heart will be right
Learn from someone who knows
Be sure you don't forget
Love you misunderstand
Is love that you'll regret"

"Look with your heart
And not with your eyes
The heart can't be fooled"

"The heart is too wise"

"Forget what you think"

"Ignore what you hear"

"Look with your heart
It always sees clear"

"Love's not always beautiful
Not at the start"

"But open your arms
And close your eyes tight
Look with your heart
And when it finds love
Your heart will be right"

"Off to bed now, Gustave
I'll be right in"

Phantom suddenly enters
Christine faints in his arms and he carries her to a chair. She wakes up

"I should have known that you'd be here
I should have known it all along
This whole arrangement bears your stamp
You're in each measure of that song
How dare you try and claim me now?
How dare you come invade my life?"

"Oh, Christine, my Christine
In that time when the world thought me dead
My Christine, on that night just before you were wed
Ah, Christine, you came and found where I hid
Don't you deny that you did
That long ago night"

"That night"

"Once there was a night beneath a moonless sky
Too dark to see a thing, too dark to even try
I strode to your side to tell you I must go
I couldn't see your face but sensed you even so"

"And I touched you
And I felt you
And I heard those ravishing refrains
The music of the past
The singing in your veins"

"And I held you
And I touched you
And embraced you
And I felt you"

"And with every breath and every sigh
I felt no longer scared
I felt no longer shy
At last our feelings bared
Beneath a moonless sky"

"And blind in the dark, as soul gazed into soul
I looked into your heart and saw you pure and whole
Cloaked under the night with nothing to suppress
A woman and a man, no more and yet no less"

"And I kissed you
And caressed you
And the world around just fell away
We said things in the dark
We never dared to say"

"And I caught you
And I kissed you
And I took you
And caressed you
With a need too blatant to deny
And nothing mattered then
Except for you and I
Again and then again
Beneath a moonless sky"

"And when it was done before the sun could rise
Ashamed of what I was, afraid to see your eyes
I stood while you slept and whispered a goodbye
And slipped into the dark beneath a moonless sky"

"And I loved you
Yes, I loved you
I'd have followed anywhere you lead
I woke to swear my love
And found you gone instead"

"And I loved you
(How I loved you)
And I left you
(How I loved you)"

"And I had to, both of us knew why
We both knew why
And yet I won't regret
From now until I die
The night I can't forget
Beneath a moonless sky
And now
How can you talk of now?
For us, there is no now!"
Chapter 16 is finished. Who though Christine would betray Gleb?? What do you think leave a comment!

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