Chapter 23 : Meet Me On The Battlefield

Start from the beginning

The men of Rohan begin to form a line, quickly charging on the Mûmakil. And what am I doing? Having a fight with my inner demons.

I can't do this, I can't. I'm not ready...oh pull yourself together Ivy! Who the hell do you think you are? I'm not some wimp who backs out of a fight. I've never backed out of anything. Why should this be any different? Do you want to go down easy? Or fighting? I bloody well can say fighting! Now pick yourself up and do this!

I finally pull myself together, letting out a small battle cry as I begin to march towards the Mûmakil. Orcs charge on the men also now feeling safer with the Mûmakil around. I pull my sword up taking in a deep breath as I march towards the fast approaching orcs. I can feel my heart rate begin to increase at the feeling of freedom, considering I'm running into a fight this is weird, but it makes sense. At this moment I feel most alive, isn't that what they say? In death is when you feel most alive. I understand what that means now, everything seems to line perfectly, the world, my own strength running into this battle. It's almost like a dream. The heavens overhead seem like a strange presence I can simply reach out to.

I'm pulled from my fantasy land, as the first orc brings it sword down on mine. Which one is it that will take my life? I don't know, but what I do know is that I'm going to go down fighting. This strength of willpower only encourages me more. I begin to hit the orcs with everything I've got. The orcs and men of Rohan surround me, but I don't stop to rest. I attack with no mercy, I fight for my friends. For Middle Earth. I still wearily look around as I attack, unsure of when this vision could take motion.

The fighting seems to go on forever, the presence of the vision seems to be less strong as the battle commences on. Many Mûmakil have been brought down by the men of Rohan, which I say in impressive. I suddenly begin to doubt the vision, but it's still in mind. Nothing seems to slightly resemble the vision, I would know. I cut down another orc, allowing myself to have a small breather as most of the orcs are dead, only the Mûmakil and a few orcs remain. I had seen the Nazgul overhead at one stage, but I had lost it in the fighting. My mind is suddenly brought to mud as the smell of death invades my nose. I turn around to see a mass army of...ghosts? They come tearing through the field, attacking one of the Mûmakil. That in itself strange and confusing! Mûmakil, the stench of death...where's the orc?

The sudden thought crosses my mind to turn around like a force is pulling me to do so. A compelling urge. I slowly turn on my heel, feeling whatever bigger power is overtaking my mind and body. That's when I see him.

He stands on top of a Mûmakil, shooting off all the men riding it. Legolas. He kills the Mûmakil with ease, sliding down its trunk as it lands with a thud. Orc quickly flood towards him. I feel a smile spread across my face at his agility. But my smile soon fades as the orc throws a rock, which plunges into Legolas' head, causing him to tumble to the ground. As though painted in front of me, it begins to unveil.

Legolas crawls away from the orc that towers over him, trying to reach for the sword in front of him. I can't move, I'm stuck, in shock more so than anything. The orc marches after Legolas, plunging its foot on his arm as Legolas grabs for his sword, even though in pain he continues to reach for it. I know this. I've seen it before. I can see the smile plastered across the orcs face, it's obviously chuckling.

It wasn't my was Legolas'.

At that thought, the sword goes plunging into Legolas. I hear his cry of pain, which forces me out of my daze. As though something in my mind snaps, in panic I pull out my bow, swiftly loading it and shooting the orc that stands over Legolas without hesitation. I let out a gasp as I see the pain-stricken emotion across Legolas' face. I run with all my remaining strength. Jumping over dead orcs and men, nearly tripping over a shield on the ground as I quickly run.

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