The List (Ch 2)

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Now, you might be slightly confused as to what the list is. So I’m going to explain that to you. The list is a half a$$ed idea thought up by the most obnoxious jocks at our school. Namely, Brett Samuels and his friends. Every year, they rank the girls in our year at our lovely school of Cedar Valley High somehow and post a list of the top 10 hottest girls. We’re in junior year now, and they’ve done it the past 2 years. At the top of the list, since freshman year, has been Madison Walker. There’s not really much to say about Madison other than that she’s seemingly perfect. She has blonde, beachy waves, wide blue eyes, perfect teeth, and more popularity than Silly Bandz did a year or two ago. Oh, and did I mention she’s dating the main perpetrator of the list, Brett? Yeah, that’s probably just another one for the list of Reasons Why Madison Is Perfect, since Brett is, inexplicably, the most popular guy in our grade. Our school’s too big for any of the grades to really mingle. In case you didn’t realize already, I really don’t like Madison. In first grade, she put me in a box and sat on me. I’ve never really forgiven her for that, and besides, she’s just all around unfriendly to me, God knows why. Something you should know about me is that I hold grudges. Especially the one against Madison.

But back to the list. The girls who end up on the list are both cursed and blessed. Other girls envy them, and boys take a second look at them. That’s the power of the list, and the level of Brett-worship at our school. When Brett Samuels says something, it’s like one of the ten commandments or something. Personally, I don’t like Brett. He laughed when Madison sat on the box I was in. I found that quite rude. And these days, he’s obnoxious and cocky. His head’s only inflated since first grade, since nowadays people practically sweep the ground before he walks on it. He’s good looking, sure, with his short brunette hair, strong jaw, and toned body, but there are plenty of guys who are just as good looking and don’t have egos the size of Heidi Montag’s boobs after she got them “redone”. Back to the list. Almost all the popular girls make it on there, especially if they’re dating one of Brett’s buddies.  I mean, not even Brett could rain down that much judgement and objectification on the girls of Cedar Valley by himself.

I think the list is a lot of things. First of all, it is degrading. It hurts those who are on it and those who aren’t, because it reinforces the idea that looks make up a woman’s worth. Second of all, it’s mean and petty on the part of the guys who make it (namely Brett). They know the effect it has on everyone, and for some sick reason, I guess they enjoy it, since they do keep making the list every year. Third, it can be a huge self esteem boost if you end up on the list. I guess that’s the only positive thing about it. Fourth, the list is known to all adults and parents. It’s not some sort of secret. Since Brett, the golden boy, is the maker, they all see it as harmless fun. In the end, most people obviously don’t make the list. Our grade has 600 people in it, and about half are girls and half are guys. In other words, about 3% of our grade makes the list. Nice odds, huh? The “official” list gets posted a couple weeks into the school year. I guess that’s so they can wait and check if anyone got really hot over the summer. The whole thing is stupid. I don’t even know what dumba$$ came up with the idea in the first place. Actually, scratch that. It was probably Brett.

A/N: I promise the chapters will get longer, the next one is already over 2 pages, and I'm not even finished with it! If you've read this story, THANK YOU! I love you!

Also, the gorgeous cover is by @LessThan3U thank you so much!

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