Chapter Three

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The door bell rang at the same moment of the coffee maker. I picked my coffee and went towards the door to open it. As I opened the door no one was standing there, only a newspaper on the ground. I didn't expect anyone anyway, it's the plan in the newspaper. I picked it up and shut the door behind me. The newspaper was nothing special but that dark envelope that fell from it was the plan, the death note of the doctor. I threw the newspaper behind me, knowing nowhere it landed and had a seat next to the kitchen counter, putting my coffee on it. The envelope looked as if it was just a paper, a normal message. Although it wasn't. It was the moment, the place and timing of ending someone's life. The letter included an invitation to a costume party. Unfortunately, she won't enjoy that costume party at night. 

I placed the invitation on the table carefully, and starting preparing. By noon I was ready. Another life to take and another step to the dark. I picked the gun, I even wore a costume; which is a mask, black coat, black pants and black shirt, to get in the crowd and know if the doctor is super woman or a princesstonight. For me it's not that easy of shoot and run, sometimes engaging is required. The party is at a famous business man's house, as they say, a charitable business man.

"Welcome, sir. May I have you invitation?" The young lady at the door asked. I handed over my invitation, as the lady had a look at it and looked back at me smiling  and handed it back. "Thank you, sir. Please enjoy your night." Taking the invitation back and tucking it in my pocket again, someone hit me. A lady, a young lady in a long black dress and black mask, with blue eyes flashing back at me, as soft as the sea and as sharp as the falcon.

"Sorry." I said after realizing it's actually my fault as I wasn't looking in front of me, or in other words, after I broke eye contact.

"No problem." she replied as disappeared again to the crowd, just as simple as that. Anyway, my mind should be in the game. I started looking around trying to figure out people's faces behind those masks, trying to figure out where is my target. I kept walking until I found myself by the bar.

"How can I help you, sir?" The barman asked.

"One vodka, please." I ordered as I was sitting on the chair. As soon as I settled down and starting searching the crowd again, my order was in front of me, dark it and asked for another one. But before my order arrive and lady came and had a seat next tome, in black dress, black mask, black hair and- blue eyes. It's her.

"One vodka, please" She asked and the barman nodded in acknowledgment. Moment later and our orders of two vodkas were placed in front of us.

"Isn't vodka, a little hard for a delicate lady like you?" I asked, sarcastically but kind of meaning it. She swallowed it in one gulp, placed it on the bar and looked at me with those blue flashing eyes.

"Don't be deceived by looks." She winked at me and asked the barman for another glass of vodka and I kept watching. How can woman be so gorgeous and wild at the same time? The sound of the glass being placed on the bar brought me back to reality and as soon as the glass was placed in front of her she gulped it, faster than the one before.

"Bad night?" I asked. She looked at me and half laughed, half smiled.

"Even if it was, drinking doesn't affect me, so I can forget it. Believe me if it was, I would have been an alcoholic by now to forget everything and everyone." And she is right. So right that I feel like it's me talking.

"Hey! Are you going to drink that lonely glass over there?" She said pointing at my second glass of vodka while she is in the third one now. I kind of smiled to myself as no one has ever beaten me for drinking and didn't get wasted. It's the first time I would drink less that who I am drinking with or by. I kind of always hoped that one day the alcohol would help me forget, but just as she said. It doesn't. I raised my glass and she raised too and we both drank for whatever, whoever we are thinking of. I drank for my family, but now I also wonder who or what did she drink for.

"Dr.Markle?" I looked towards the man who said the name. An old man in his late sixties in a costume of a pirate.

"Mr. Jack" The girl with blue eyes replied with a smile, putting the glass in her hand on the bar to handshake the man. It's her. My target. The woman I have been searching for the whole party was next to me all night. I felt as if a bucket of ice was thrown at me, however, I am kind used to it. While they were talking and no eyes were on one me, I took off the mask and climbed to the roof where my sniper is. I started constructing the sniper and pointing it to the street so I can get the Dr.'s life, my target. I waited but no one appeared for sometime, until I heard foot steps behind.

"I knew it!" Dr. Markle was standing right in front of me, without a mask, and she is really pretty way prettier than the pictures. Dangerously pretty. She looks as if she found the cure of an incurable disease. I stood up from the sniper, keeping my eye level now with her eyes, not the target vector and it all seems so wrong to me. I should be looking at her in that cross hair, she should be dead by now. Why can't I just pull the trigger in her and end it ones and for all?

"I knew you were my assassinate. Believe it or not?! I have been waiting for you for years now." She said in weird confidence taking a step closer and closer. Normally, any one in her shoes would be running away now not getting closer. Still why can't I just pull the trigger, why am I even listening to her?

"People who choose that side either dark, idiots, weak or in it for something." She said as if she knows that side, the way so well. As if she was in that dark side for many many years.

"But I don't think you are dark." She said taking another step closer.

"Or An idiot." Another step.

"Or weak." Another step. Now we are few inches a part. That if I just reached her, she would be done. However, I am still doing nothing. Am I in shock or my brain lost control of my body?

"You are in it for something, and I suggest revenge." She said.

"How are you so sure of yourself?" I asked. Now I wish I could have heard to Benjamin back when she was assigned for me. Now I want to know everything about that girl.

"I wasn't so sure, but now, I am." She said with a smile of proud on her face. She got even closer. She hold my eyes for a moment and we became breathing the same air before breaking away, walking back downstairs.

"Tell who sent you that, if he wants to kill me he should do it himself." She said as she was walking. Loud and clear.

After she was gone from my sight, I realized that for the very first time ever, I haven't accomplished my mission. What's even worse, is that this girl is now no longer a mission to be complete. She knows something, maybe what I have been searching for. What's even more worse that now I have to find her before they do.

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