MTVP: How it All Began

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Hi guys. Thanks for reading! This is nothing big, just a new story. This was recommended and I have some unique names for some unique people. ENJOY!



Run. The only word I knew at the moment. Everything else from my mind flew away. The only word, only thing I knew at the time; was run. I look behind me to see what I was running from. 12 wolves in a formation. In the center front was a silver wolf. He barked, and I understood what he said. "Mate".


I awoke to a start. I was sweating badly, on my pillow, clothes. Time for a shower, I thought. I jumped out of bed and walked to my own bathroom, fit with a bath/shower, a toilet, and a walk-in closet. I got my outfit for the day and jumped into the hot shower.

Afterwards, I went downstairs to be greeted by my family.

In this town, everyone is a supernatural of some sort. My mother is a fairy, my brother, Ace, is a werewolf and my father is a genie. I, myself am a werewolf also. My little sister, Luna is a fairy like mom. With the mixed up supernaturals, I thought I was adopted, then mother told me my grandmother was a werewolf.

My mother saw me and gave me the warmest smile I have ever encountered.

My mother's mood can affect this family so much, we're always in a happy mood. Well, not always.

"Oh, hi Avalon, sweetheart. I'm making breakfast. Would you like some?" Her aqua wings glimmered as if her mood affected her wings also. I would suppose so. 

"Sure, mom. Hello Ace. Dad."

My dad looked up from his newspaper and looked at me. He gave me his award-winning smile, the smile that won my actress-singer mother over.

"Hello, Avalon. How are you?"

I nodded in response and he went back to reading his newspaper.

Ace looked up from his raw beef and looked at me. "Sup, Ava? You ready for school?"

I nodded. "Yeah, just let me eat first." He smiled in agreement and went back to digging into his beef.

Mom gave me my food and said, "Oh, and Avalon," she gave me her serious look. I hated that look. What I heard next made my eyes widen.

"Avalon sweetheart, your father, brother and I are going across the country to visit your grandmother. She's very, very ill." 

I covered up a sniffle. Grandma Lilly? I loved my grandma, and if she's as ill as my mom said- No. I won't think about it. Grandma Lilly will be fine.

I nodded. Mom added, "Oh, yes and your best friend, Nova, she coming to stay with you."

I mentally jumped. Nova is my best friend, the best friend there is in my opinion. She's a were-cat, nevertheless I love her. We met 10 years ago (A/N: Nova and Avalon are both 16) at a daycare.

I remembered it like it was yesterday:

I waddled to the carpet going for the toy wolf next to the toy cat. We were at a human daycare, though we didn't know it at the time. We didn't know we were supernaturals until when I reached for the toy wolf another small hand reach for it also. I growled. The person owning the hand's eyes widened. They backed away and ran. I giggled and waddled to the toy. I sat down and started playing with it.

I looked up to see someone playing with the cat toy. A blonde, freckled little girl. She smiled and giggled at me. "Hallo," she giggled. I waved. I pointed to the cat. "Cat." She looked at the cat and nodded. "I like cats. See?" She turned into a cat. "Wow," I shouted. "I like big doggies, see?" I shifted into a wolf.

Last thing I heard was a scream, being lifted like I was trash, which was so painful, I whimpered, and my mom and Nova's mom gasping while alot of "sorry" and "Won't happen again".

Yeah it wouldn't happen again. We were kicked out . . . Of the town. We were homeless for a while until we found this town, where all supernaturals are welcome. I was treated like I was normal, but still unique.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by actual snapping. "Hey, Earth to Avalon. Anyone there?" I smacked Ace's hand out of my face which caused him to snicker and smirk. "What?" I snapped, irritated.

"Also, mom forgot to add, mainly because she wouldn't know. Nova brother, Daniel, is also coming. Enjoy."

I gulped, my eyes widening. Did I hear him right? Daniel? Oh, hell no.

Daniel is a vampire, and has been hitting on me for the past 3 years. He even drugged me to get him in bed with me, but Nova was there, thank God. What if Nova won't be there next time? What if I get pregnant? Nah.

Forget the last one it would never happen. Oh, you don't how wrong I was.



Did you enjoy it? I did. Writing it was fun.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2014 ⏰

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