You get hurt

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You guys were in the park swinging on the swings
You jumped off
You landed and twisted your ankle
Finn gets off the swing and runs over to you
He helps you stand up
He helps you hop to the nearest bench
He sits you down on it
He makes you show him your ankle to make sure it isn't swollen or broken
You know it's fine but show him anyway
He pulls you into a tight hug and keeps telling you that you'll be alright and have nothing to worry about
He kisses your forehead countless times

He was chasing you around his house
You bumped your head on the stair railing (don't ask me how lmao)
He screamed and ran over to you
He made you sit down on the couch
He got you an ice pack and checked that there wasn't any bump
He would not let you leave the couch until you were 100% better
He cuddled you while you guys watched movies for the rest of the day with a melting ice pack lol

You guys were having a lightsaber fight ( don't kill me but I love starwars)
He accidentally hit your finger and it bent back
He dropped his lightsaber right away
He grabbed your hand and kissed your sore finger
He asked if you needed to get anything for it from the drug store but you assured him it was okay
He was worried about it though
You wanted to play with the lightsabers again but he wouldn't let you
He made you your favourite snack and held your hand with the sore finger for the rest of the day
He begged you not the mention it to your parents because they already hated him enough lol

You two were taking a walk outside when you tripped over nothing (lol my friend Hanna does this on a daily basis)
He tried to catch you but missed
You scraped your knee on the sidewalk
He ran to the drug store to buy bandaids
He sat you on the curb outside the store to put the bandaid on your knee even though it was freezing outside
He kissed your cheek after and took you home
He didn't want you falling down again

You two were skipping down the street together and seeing who could skip faster lmao
You tripped and scraped your elbow
Sophia laughed but she made sure you were okay and helped you up
She hugged you and started skipping again
Woah what a rebel 😂

A/N- I want a Finn of my own to kiss my forehead 😭 Welp some dreams do come true, this one hasn't obviously 😂
Xo- Charlottte ❤️

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