Baking Desserts

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Lmao my dad is baking brownies right now so that's why I'm writing this

You guys try and bake cookies because they seem simple
You make chocolate chip cookies
Finn wears a chef hat and you find it adorable
He adds a bunch a random ingredients like almonds and mint that aren't necessary but he says it's his special recipe
You over cook them
They burn a little bit
You still eat one and he eats two
But you end up throwing them out because Finn added too much mint
You guys still had fun though

You guys try and bake cupcakes
He becomes really bossy about it
Then you throw flour at him and it becomes a flour fight
Once you get serious again you put them in the oven
You don't make frosting yourself, you buy vanilla icing from Walmart
The cupcakes ended up burning
You throw them out and end up eating the frosting by itself
You get some on your nose and jack licks it off (you guys are weird 😂)

You guys try to bake an apple pie
He cuts himself while slicing the apple (aw my poor baby Wy)
You get him a bandaid and kiss his finger better
Your pie turns out better than expected
You burn your tongue while eating it because it's really hot
Wyatt laughs at you because you overreact

You guys bake a chocolate cake
He lets you basically mix everything because you said it was "satisfying"
He puts vanilla icing on the cake
It did not burn
It turned out really good
You brought some home to your parents after

You guys bake cherry pie 🍒
You use frozen cherries because you don't want to de-pitt them all
She throws some at you
You guys burn they edges of the pie crust
You put whip cream on it and get it all over your faces
You guys just have so much fun and laugh a lot

A/N - This was actually fun to write and I've never seen anyone do this topic before. Welp, my dads brownies are ready. They're chocolate with coconut icing. I'm about to go try them. I'll update about them later even though you probably don't care. Xo - Charlottte ❤️

UPDATE- The brownies were not my dads finest work 😐

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