Yang: "P-Please! Don't! Let me go!"

Outside, the bandit could hear the girl scream for help as the boy tugged on the arm, pulling it.

Yang: "STOP!!! IT HURTS!!"

(y/n): "You disappoint me"

And he saw the arm come right off, thrown away like some stinking trash. Inside however, Yang was lying on the floor, her head hidden behind her hand.

Yang: "Ugghhhh... that's too embarrassing"

(y/n): "Alright, here I go!"


(y/n): "Yes ma'am"

Then, everything went according to plan...


Jaune: "Well that... seemed fun?"

(y/n): "YEP!!"

Yang: "Meh, not really for me"

They all shifted and looked at (y/n), taking a look at the newly welcomed member of the gang.

Ruby: "So umm... you're blind?"

Weiss: "Ruby!!"

Ruby: "Just wanted to break the ice..."

(y/n): "Hehe, yeah... well, sight was overrated anyway so"

Ren: "But you can see souls..."

Nora: "And you're Yang's boyfriend!"

Ruby: "Really! I can't believe it!"

(y/n): "Well yeah, she's not THAT bad!"

Yang: "HEY! You jerk, she's talking about seeing souls not being MY boyfriend! Ahaha! You're lucky I'm your girlfriend!"

(y/n): "Hehe, just kidding"

Ruby: "So what do souls look like? What does mine look like???"

(y/n): "Souls don't have a general look. Each one is unique and distinct"

(y/n) faced Ruby, behind his glasses, he was studying everyone's soul.

(y/n): "Yours is glowing and flowing light. Quite pure might I add"

Yang: "I don't think we need your eyes to tell that my sis' soul is pure"

Soon, everything had to be put away and go back to business...

Qrow arrived and everything was laid out on the table. Barely any secrets were left, and stone left unturned.

(y/n): "Really? So you guys were more freaked out that Prof. Ozpin gave your uncle and aunt-slash-mom the ability to turn to birds rather than the fact that OZPIN WAS THE WIZARD! Yeah fine... ignore me..."


Night time has come and everyone began retreating to their rooms for some rest.

Ruby: "G'night!"

Jaune: "*Yawn* night..."

Yang: "Goodnight"

(y/n): "Eh... you guys know what I'm gonna say"

(y/n) and Yang entered the same room, as requested by Yang. After some huge fight between her and Qrow, Qrow had no choice but to relent.

The moment they stepped in the room and (y/n) locked the door behind him, Yang rushed straight towards him, grabbing him by the back of the head and pushed his lips towards hers. The light in the room was yet to even open but it didn't matter to Yang and most specially to (y/n).

Blind Journey (Blind Love Sequel) (Yang x BlindMaleReader)Where stories live. Discover now