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Unsurprisingly, I had to take four days off school, sick with the flu. Each day, Kyōtani stopped by after practice with Kirā, knowing I was missing my usual puppy love. I'd lay in bed with the five month old doberman and snuggle up to him whilst Kyōtani would either sit at the end of the bed or on the floor, usually only talking about volleyball or dogs. Nothing seemed different after what happened between us that night, and I was starting to feel dejected.

Finally, I managed to drag myself out of bed and to my classes on Wednesday, still a bit hoarse but not contagious. The day seemed to drag on forever, and I found myself constantly staring at the clock on the wall, eyes flicking with each tick of the hand. Each teacher sounded the same; a droning bore that just added to my frustration. Upon the sound of the bell, I was out the door before the last chime rang, almost jogging down the halls towards the gym.

Why am I so excited to get there? I don't even like volleyball…

I secretly knew the exact reason I wanted to be there so badly, but I didn't want to admit it. Kyōtani Kentarō would be there. I could spend several hours just watching him, being close to him, maybe even get to walk home with him. Just the thought was enough to make my heart skip. I was out of breath when I reached the gym, coughing and spluttering a little before I entered.

“(Y/N)-Chan! You're alive!” Oikawa bounded over to me and extended his arms. Even shocking myself, I accepted his hug, making him pause for a moment in surprise.

“I never thought I'd say this...but I actually missed your ugly mug, Crappykawa.” I chuckled, giving him a friendly squeeze before stepping back. His porcelain skin grew rosy as he scratched his head, grinning like a goofball.

“Did you hit your head or something? Still have a fever? Brain damage, perhaps?” Iwaizumi wore a horrified expression as he wandered over, placing the back of his hand against my forehead. I swatted him away with a laugh, shrugging my shoulders as I started to walk over to my usual bench across the court.

“I've never been better, Iwa-Senpai.” I waved them off and sat down, crossing my legs as I waited.

And waited…

And waited…

He didn't show up. The sun was setting, painting a vibrant orange hue in the sky as I just sat there, watching the team pack away the net and volleyballs. With a long, depressing sigh, I collected my bag and stood up, making my way to the doors.

“See you tomorrow, (Y/N)-Chan!” One of the first years called out, giving me a wave from where he was untying the net.

“Seeya, Onion Head.” I replied with a tired smirk, sliding the door open.

“It's Kindaichi!”

“Yeah yeah…” I heaved another sigh as I saw the residue of snow flecking the concrete from earlier that afternoon, pulling my sleeves down to cover my hands. The December break would start soon, and I wasn't exactly looking forward to it. Especially since Kyōtani was the only person I really considered a friend. Both Oikawa and Iwazumi were kind of friends, but they'd be graduating soon and it would just be me and the Mad Dog.

Why am I even thinking about this now? He's my friend...I'm sure he just thinks that kiss was just me looking for comfort...I haven't ruined anything...he still came to see me when I was sick...but...what if that was just because he felt...sorry for me…?

I hugged myself as I walked; carefully avoiding piles of white slush. My throat itched, and I prayed that my mum had remembered to buy honey and lemons so I could make a warm, soothing drink when I got home.

“(Y/N)-Chan…” I yelped a little at the sudden call of my name and whipped my head around. Kyōtani stood a little ways behind me, bundled in a big olive trench coat with his hands shoved deep into the pockets.

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