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*Sunday Morning*

When I had woken up, I was in my own bed and the sun was already up. After going downstairs, I was met by my very worried parents, who gave me an explanation of what I had missed.
Apparently Kyōtani had carried me all the way home and explained to them what had happened, was almost smothered in a bear hug by my mother, and then she had insisted on driving him home and thanking his mother for raising a hero. I was bright red the entire duration of the story, realising that he must have actually stepped foot in my room to put me to bed. I was still in the clothes I had been wearing, thank goodness.

Oh my god he saw my room filled with stuffed dogs and pink pillows and...oh god, oh god, oh GOD...there's more than one set of underwear laying on the floor!

I smacked my head down on the table repeatedly as I cursed my existence whilst my father ranted about contacting the school on Monday to report the ordeal.

“(Y/N), honey...didn't you say that pansy captain and his friend were coming over around now? Maybe you should call them and cancel after last night?” I snapped my head up and looked towards the clock.


“Shit! Shower shower shower!” I leapt up and darted towards the stairs, sending Fuji into a minor panic as I leapt over her sleeping body to reach the bathroom. “Nah, don't worry about it! If they get here before I'm down, don't mention what happened, right?!” I called over my shoulder as I gathered some clean clothes and slammed the bathroom door.

I washed in record time, making sure I was spotless as I dove out and towel-dried my hair. I could hear the usual barking from downstairs and realised they had arrived, and hurriedly threw on a white T-shirt and faded denim overall shorts, not caring if I looked like a dag. Catching my reflection in the mirror I frowned, noticing just how exhausted I looked.

I look like Ken-Kun with these bags… My mind drawled as I prodded at the puffy skin.
Ken-Kun...why am I saying his name like that? I hesitated, searching for a nonexistent answer before I opened the door and wandered downstairs.

“(Y/N)-Chan! Good morning!~” Oikawa chirped as I entered the kitchen. Both he and Iwaizumi were seated at the dining table with my parents, cups of tea in their hands. Kiba; Iwa’s Shiba Inu puppy, was already curled up with Fuji by the door, almost drowning in her abundance of fluff.

“Morning.” I said with a yawn, making a grabbing gesture towards the cup my mother offered out to me.

“I have my phone fully charged so we can document our little adventure.” Iwa chuckled, shooting me a grin whilst Oikawa wrinkled his nose.

“Don't worry, kid. I've had Gōra since he was a pup...I make sure he only gets to eat students on special occasions!” My dad announced, smirking at the setters paling face. Everybody else stifled their laughter, knowing full well that he'd take it seriously.

“Speaking of…” I downed my tea and walked towards the hallway, grabbing a bundle of leashes from a hook near the coat rack. “Time to go!~”


“Slow down, you tub of lard!”

Iwaizumi and I were gasping for air as we laughed nonstop, our ribs aching from watching the famed setter try to control my eccentric dog. He was the one being walked, feet dragging along the sidewalk. Kiba and Fuji padded along side by side, stepping in unison whilst Iwaizumi and I tried to breathe.

“Can w..we do this every w..weekend, (Y..Y/N)-Chan?” Iwa asked through his chortles, wiping a tear from his eye.

“ amazing as this is, I doubt I could handle that much of him.” I replied with a tired smile. After finally managing to get Gōra to slow down, Oikawa dragged him back over to us and studied me, making me feel uncomfortable.

“You seem off today, (Y/N)-Chan…” He pointed out, surprising me with general concern.

“ that you mention it, you haven't insulted Shittykawa once since we arrived...what's wrong?”

Since when were they so observant?
I shrugged, rubbing the back of my neck under my (H/L) (H/C) hair.

“Um...I may or may not have been sexually assaulted last night by that ugly vice captain from Ubugawa when I was walking home…” I faded out, flinching as they both stopped dead and stared at me in shock.

“Did he hurt you?!”

“He didn't do...that, did he?!”

“Did you go to the police?!”

“He's dead meat!”

“I'll murder him!”

“Are you okay?!”

I held my hands up defensively as they bombarded me with questions, yelping as Oikawa swept me into a tight hug, lifting me off the ground.

“I'm fine! I would have called you if I wasn't!” I mumbled, letting the setter embrace me despite my annoyance.

“What happened?'re okay to talk about it…” Iwa placed a firm hand on my shoulder, brow creased with worry.

“He just cornered me and tried to...touch me...I don't even wanna think about what would have happened if Kentarō-Kun didn't show up when he did…” I ended with a murmur, shuddering as I recalled the incident. We had stopped walking now and the boys shared a concerned look.

“He rescued you?” Iwa asked to confirm, and I nodded slowly.

“Yeah...he beat the crap out of him...he got punched a lot, too...but it, really scary...I think he would have killed the guy if he hadn't run off…” I said quietly, rubbing my arm. “He carried me home and I fell asleep on the way...I was gonna go and see him this afternoon to thank him properly.”

“Our Mad Dog-Chan is a hero, Iwa-Chan!” Oikawa cheered, clapping his hands together over the leash hooked around his palm. “Our son is so brave!”

“Our son?!” Iwa smacked him over the head and snarled before turning to me, face switching to a gentle smile. “We'll be thanking him too at practice on Monday. No walking home alone at night again, you hear me?” He patted my head and I sighed, nodding in agreement.

“Yes, Dad…” I said sarcastically, chuckling at his grimace. “My dad is contacting the principal on Monday to report it...Anyway, let's just forget this for now and enjoy fucking with Trashykawa, okay? Gōra, cuddles!” I patted Oikawa’s chest and stepped back. Iwaizumi and I almost passed out laughing as the mastiff jumped up on the captain, drenching him with thick slobber.

“He's gonna eat my face! Get off me, you monster!” Oikawa shrieked. “(Y/N)-Chan, get him off!”

***Sorry of this is boring/badly written, my inspiration decided to have a last minute vacation

Just to clarify, I know that Reader-Chan seems very nonchalant about the sexual assault, and I intended it to be that way. Yes, she was shaken AND scared, but from experience and also knowing people who have gone through identical things, I also know that not everyone is silent or bothered by speaking freely about it. I apologise if this has upset anyone x***

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