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It was now about ten minutes until the end of practice, and there hadn't been a single issue with Seijō's Mad Dog. He was quiet; far more than usual, and he didn't make any unnecessary jumps for the ball like he often had in the past. It didn't sit well with me one bit. Something was off.

"Hey, uh...Onion Head!" I called out to one of the first years. He walked over to me and gave me a pout.

"It's Kindaichi..." He grumbled, unimpressed with the near-global nickname he had acquired.

"Yeah yeah...Has Kyōtani-Kun ever been this...quiet during practice? Or ever?" I asked, nodding my head towards the blond boy, now standing silently by the far wall. Kindaichi shrugged, following my gaze.

"Rarely...but it has happened before. I saw him sleeping through lunch...maybe he's just tired?" He suggested. I pursed my lips as I considered his opinion. He certainly looks exhausted. The bags under his eyes are heavier than usual, and he's slouching more, but I don't think that's the main reason.

"Maybe...thanks, Onion Head." I said, waving him off.

"It's Kindaichi..."

"Yeah yeah..."


Just as I saw him head out the doors of the gym, I followed with haste, completely ignoring Oikawa's protests, as he was part way through telling me a story I hadn't been listening to.

"Kyōtani-Kun! Wait up!" I jogged to catch up and the boy glanced over his shoulder, expression grouchy to say the least.

"What?" As I got closer, I could tell he was absolutely dog tired (no pun intended). I looked him up and down a few times and sighed, giving him a soft smile.

"You don't seem yourself today. Is there something wrong?" I asked, slowing to match his pace after I finally reached him.

"No...I'm fine..." He grunted, not even bothering to look at me.

"Really? Are you sure?" I pried, leaning in a little closer. He sidestepped, hunching his shoulders as though he was silently telling me to leave him be.

"I'm fine..." He repeated, harsher this time. I rolled my eyes and gave him a tight nod.

"Liar..." I muttered under my breath, but loud enough for him to hear. He halted and spun to face me, fists clenched at his sides, causing the veins in his forearms to bulge.

"Fuck off and annoy someone else, bitch!" He snarled viciously, emitting a low, rumbling growl that took me off guard. I jumped back a little, but kept myself quite composed. I frowned at him, pointing to his shirt.

"If you're fine, then why have you worn the same shirt three days in a row?" He faltered, looking shocked by my confident remark. "You've had that same stain in the same place since Tuesday afternoon...I'm more observant than you think...You know you can talk to me, right?" He just stared at me for a long while, and I stared straight back, waiting for an answer.

"Why do you care?" He hissed, though it wasn't as threatening. My brow furrowed at his tone, but I didn't let it piss me off like I usually would.

"Because you're my friend. I care about you, like it or not. Now, are you gonna tell me what's wrong or am I gonna have to spray you?" It was obvious I wasn't joking about bringing out the spritzer and he glared at me before throwing his eyes to the ground, thrown off by my words.

"I haven't been home since Tuesday morning..." He mumbled, starting to walk again. I followed, almost jogging again to keep up with his long stride.

"Why not?" I asked, worry twinging my voice.

"Fight with my mum..." He replied, eyes burning into the pavement. I didn't like him like this. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but I knew I had to focus on the main issue.

"So...where have you been staying?" I asked slowly, adjusting the strap of my bag as it tried to slip off my shoulder with each bouncing step.

"Park..." He said it in such a quiet voice and I couldn't take it. I grabbed his shoulder and stopped him, spinning around and planting my free hand on the other. He wouldn't look at me.

"You've been sleeping at the park for two nights?!" I couldn't help but raise my voice. He flinched a little, but kept his eyes glued to his feet.


"Are you an idiot?!"

"Probably." I took a deep breath and refrained from shaking him silly, closing my eyes for a second to reevaluate the situation.

"Have you eaten since Tuesday, Kyōtani-Kun?" I spoke calmly, easing my grip on his shoulders. He shook his head. "Right then..." I let go and moved to take his hand, making him snap his head up as I began to drag him along behind me.

"What are you...?!" He started to resist, but I just tightened my hold.

"I'm getting you some fucking food, dipshit! You're hungry, aren't you?" I glanced over at him from the corner of my eye. He nodded, looking completely confused.


"Then shut up and follow me." I pulled him all the way to the closest convenience store; Lawson's. Still firmly holding his hand, I stopped and turned to him, panting a little as I wasn't the fittest girl by any means. "You like chicken, right?" I asked, tilting my head. He nodded, eyes widening a little. "Good. Wait here." I let go of his hand and went to grab two drinks and several servings of their Karage Kun chicken. After paying, I promptly went back to Kyōtani, taking his hand once more and exited the store with him in tow, leading him to a quiet park where I forced him to sit down. I handed him a can of drink and all of the boxes of food, nearly smacking it into his face when he hesitated. "Just take it! Jesus Christ, you're gonna make my hair turn grey!" He blinked at me with such childlike confusion, accepting the bag of small boxes.

"Why...are you being so...nice to me?" He murmured, glancing at the food before looking back up, straight into my eyes. It was the longest he had ever made eye contact and I felt a strong pang in my chest. He really isn't used to having a friend...is he?

"I told you. I care about you. Start eating, and when you're ready, tell me what happened. I can just text my dad and tell him I'll be late home if need be. They trust me." I sat down across from him, crossing my legs and sighing as he pulled out the first of four boxes, starting to eat as though his life depended on it.

***I have way too many head cannons for Kyōtani that my brain may explode hah***

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