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*next morning*

Y/N pov.
So I wake up as usual and I fell two strong arms around my wrist I look up and see Logan sleeping then I begin kissing him all over his face then he wake up and with his sexy morning voice*
L; gm baby girl
Y; hey, we need to get up! * u said getting out the bed, he grabs your he and and pull u with him again in the bed*
L; first give me a kiss and the u can go *he said with a smirk and then he kiss u and u obviously kiss back*

Your pov again

I get up and went to the kitchen I was just like this...

I get up and went to the kitchen I was just like this

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

*pretend is one of logans shirts*

Then I fell two stonge arms around me and it was Logan he turn me around

L; You look so sexy *smiling*
Y; I know *smiling*
L; y/n?
Y; Logan?
L; u know that I love u right?
Y; yes, and I love u too *kissing him*

Then we eat breakfast and shower not together 😉. Then we get ready to go*

L; y/n, jake tell me to go to team 10 u wanna go, to meet him?
Y; yeah babe why not?

We go to the team 10 mansion and we noc.

J; hey Logan *he look at u* and hi, y/n right?
Y; yeah! Hi Jake *shaking hands w/him*
L; so jake what's up?
J;I need to rexord a video with u so yeah.
L;ok so lets go

We enter to the house and I see a girl name Erika

E; hey Logan *huging logan*

I feel jealous I don't know why I just ahh, this bitch!

L; hey Erika, so this is y/n.
E; hey and so u are Logan's friend hm?
L; no I'm his girlfriend *fake smile*
E; oh cool *she walk away*
J; came on guys
L; we will be there in a minute Jake
*jake walk away to rhe kitchen*
L; babe?
Y; what? *u said a little annoying*
L; what was that with Erika?
Y; nothing! Go with Jake I will wait out with apolo *jakes dog*
L; baby I love u, u know that and I would never be with other person that u ok?
Y; yeah, thanks babe I love u too *then u guys kiss*

Logan and jake were doing a video I dont really know what is about but its now its 5pm. And I get a call.

Unknown= U You= Y


; hello?
U; Hello is this y/n?
Y; yeah thats me who is it?
U; we are calling from NY hospital, can u confirm us that your mom is Carla Gray?
Y; yeah she is my mom why?
U; well she get in a accident yesterday 11 pm. And she is now in coma but we need a person to pay her station in here.
My mom what?, I was crying so hard I need to take a plane to NY now!
Y; yeah thanks I be there tomorrow thanks for the call.
U; ok and I am sorry for what happen*the man say after hand up*
I go in the house cying searching for Logan the I found him

L; y/n what happen? *looking at u worried*
Y; in *cying more hard* I need to go to NY now
L;I will go with u came on lets go *we got in the yety and we go home we pack all of our clothes*
Y; Logan u dont have to do this u know it right?
L; I will never let u alone less in this moment, babe I love u and I'm going with u ok? *u nood*
We go to the airport and we get in the plane we arive at NY in the morning and we go to a hotel it was one of rhe more expensive ones and yes Logan pay for it
Y; Logan u don't have to pay for anything we could just go to a none expensive hotel.
L; babe its ok its not a big deal *he said kissing u*
Y; we need to go to the hospital now
L; y/n u need to sleep we will go in a couple of hours ok just wait came on lets take a nap ok?
Y; ok lets take a nap *u said laying on top of Logan in the bed obviously*
Like this

L; babe its ok its not a big deal *he said kissing u*Y; we need to go to the hospital nowL; y/n u need to sleep we will go in a couple of hours ok just wait came on lets take a nap ok?Y; ok lets take a nap *u said laying on top of Logan in the bed...

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Then u guys fall a sleep.

What will happen next? Please vote for the story and comment some of your ideas for the story please thanks guys love y'all!

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