Chapter 11

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The two of them had taken a short break. Vera said it was to come up with a strategy. In truth, it was just an excuse to get away from the Price— in those few days they'd been together, Nyx had shaken her.

Damn it, Vera thought while staring at her shoes. Why is my heart racing so fast?

She couldn't even glance at the blue sky without thinking of Nyx's eyes. Her lips. . .

Vera swallowed.

If she was to forget about her family's dilemma for a while and focus on herself, she would recall that, in all eighteen years, she'd never had a special relationship with anyone, be it close friends or otherwise, though people had tried.

'Your name is Vera, isn't it?' A guy had approached her at junior high.

Vera, who'd been at the gymnastics practice that time, looked up from the floor where she was stretching and saw one of the cutest boys in school lounging by the door.

'Yes,' she answered. 'I'm Vera.'

'Great. My name is—'

'I'm not interested.' She looked away. 'Please tell your father, or your friends, or anyone who sent you here that I'm not interested.'



The memory vanished liked wisps of smoke, though another one was quickly making its way to the surface; 'Is this seat taken?'

Why? Vera thought, now with a touch of anger and confusion. Why of all people did she have to meet a Price on the bus station, and decide that after all those years of keeping to herself, she could suddenly become friends with someone? Why was her head acting irrationally?

She glanced at the Price who had taken refuge beside the statue of the woman. Nyx looked up at the same time and smiled at her, and Vera— Vera was lost again.

Damn it! Get it together, Ashborne! This is just a massive misunderstanding.

Vera took a deep breath. This was just her not being used to people. This was just her slowly coming out of her shell, and it just happened that Nyx was there. See? All a misunderstanding.

After a couple more breaths, she was on her way to the Price. "Is break time over?" Nyx asked.

"Lift me."


"Lift me. Let's do this."

Vera had decided. She wasn't as irritated at Nyx anymore. If any, she was annoyed at herself. But if she was to extinguish any awkwardness between them, or banish whatever it was that made her thoughts muddled, then she had to try, whatever the cost.

"I told you that I'm a gymnast," she said again. "Don't be afraid to lift me high."

Nyx didn't respond. The woman simply got up from the ground, took Vera's backpack from her hand, put it on the side, then circled behind.

Vera tried to concentrate by looking up. She tried to brush away the feeling of Nyx's hands making their way to her waist. Tried not to shudder as the Price went closer.

"How high is high?" Nyx whispered against her ear.

Vera's breaths faltered, but she kept her gaze steady nonetheless. "As high as you can," she said.

It only took a second before her shoes left the ground. A second more before hands were on her butt, her inner thighs, her legs. And then her feet were free to move. Vera braced herself.

The Riddle Of Us (Lesbian, Girlxgirl, Gay)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora