The vamp twins

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Name:Luna! *A small girl with Snow White hair said* Duke...*A tall slim guy said*
Age:900 (look 19)
Gender:Female duh! Male*He growled*
Sexuality:Umm brother...*She mumbled* *He sighs* We are both bi
Personality:Oh!Oh! I'm super sweet, nice, kind, caring, but if I'm hungry I'm not myself, I'm super mean and deadly to be around if you are human*She said with a bright smile* Ugh, I'm Mean, a jerk, a bully, and cold, and I'm even worse then I'm hungry. I'm deadly to be around when I'm not even hungry so..

Other:They were both born vamps and into royal blood

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Other:They were both born vamps and into royal blood. There mother died giving birth to them, while there father died in war, so they had to take charge early when they were only 100. Duke is king and Luna queen, but as soon as Duke gets married Luna loses her spot or as soon as Luna gets married duke loses his spot as king.

Scenario:(for non vamps)
You had to go on a supply run for your village and you got lost in the forest, soon you come across a small kingdom, it seems different then most, all the wood is dark blood color and all the stones are blood color. There is blood dripping from the towers. You want to turn away and go somewhere else but you can't you are lost and there is no where else to go. Soon you see guards around a big gate and you take a deep breath and you...?

Scenario:(for vamps)
You are a vampire from a different kingdom. You aren't a full vamp, your father was human and mother a vampire, so you use to be weaker then normal but you worked out so much you managed to become strong, stronger then most full vamps. Your kingdom was on bad terms with there's so they had a peace offering and they chose you to do it originally you were suppose to be a maid/Butler but maybe that will change. As soon as you get there you can smell the strong smell of blood as your stomach growls, not having eaten during your long trip and you suck it up and go into the castle determined to be quiet and not talk to anyone. Soon you see a tall thin man walking across a big stair case with a small girl with white hair holding onto his leg. You...

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